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Hot Meat

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Everything posted by Hot Meat

  1. A hobby.... A fooking hobby?????? Hobbies are for old women that knit, ferreting is way of life lol
  2. Show me one please, my pigeon crates don't do job
  3. Just fookin shoot em an be done way the idea lol stupid skittish scabby b*****ds die a fright anyways lol anybody tried giving them tramadol???? Lol
  4. Daf are shite , shite meat for high prices.... Used to be shit hot aswell, but I stopped using them last year as they were takin piss with quality and ever risin prices.... Where you from mate??? Better places than them about
  5. You folk wanna get civilised..... Cold water Ffs, bunch a tramps
  6. Iv got two cos I wanted 2. Why you so worried about what other folks have got lol I also have 2 dogs 2 eyes, 2 ears , 2 kids I could go on lol you wanna know how many nets I own aswell, I may have to many to use in a day.. According to you lol
  7. I love how hares are held so high, they are fooking pests like bunnys and rats, nowt special what do ever. Okay they test a dog in day in right land, so what ??? They are easily caught on lamp or shot.. Only thing I like about them is fact they get dogs fit. But listening to the coursing lads they want them put on same list as badger , but only they allowed to touch them. It was passing judgement on what other folks want to do that got us all in this mess lol who cares if they wanna shoot em, if it bothers you that much go run the estate the day before next year lol
  8. He needs to post 5 times first, tell him to introduce himself in new member sect
  9. Sounds like him lol at the least he is as breed blind as him lol
  10. I'll be trying that, got some nice stone I think I'll get a mate to make some sort if rest for it out them rather than metal legs...
  11. I agree them mutts need bunk beds or an extension
  12. Nice bitch that mate , iv read a few posts of your describing her temperament. Just want you to know not only hancocks lurchers go like that. Iv seen and had puppy's from home bred litters act the same, some lurchers are just highly strung as youngsters and act all nervy. Most times it will come good with age or atleast a damn sight better, 16 months is nowt and the collie crosses I. Had in past even tho they grafted at that age, where no where near mature. Don't give up on that bitch get her in as many new situations as possible. I'm sure she will get better with age Atb with her
  13. lol that reminds me mate, any more bnt dye???
  14. Give you £8.37 for it. If you deliver....
  15. It'll come out when it's ready to with a tiny pull if your ripping it out leave it
  16. Aye giro it's a son of buddy to a gen bred bullx mate
  17. Thank fook somebody else said it lol gsdxg you my friend are kennel blind lol try a diffrent cross I assure you you will be surprised lol
  18. If they are living in your flower beds dig em up for a terrier and get some traps set
  19. Don't stop you giving him shit about it though does it lol I'm allowed, I was a donator once...
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