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Hot Meat

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Everything posted by Hot Meat

  1. Omg don't say that., you'll upset the pony lads haha
  2. We use one of these on farm and never caught nothing for months. Ended up using a small tin of cat Meat in it and sat it on a bale and have now had over twenty magpies only had magpies tho
  3. There are some jobs that full size dog of 29+ can do much better than a smaller dog but an open forum isn't the place to discuss this. Keep saying it and 1 day you may actually believe it. Pm me if you prefer id like to see these full sized dogs do so well whe. compared to a not full size dog haha full sized that's a hoot Edited, life's too short . So are my dogs haha
  4. There are some jobs that full size dog of 29+ can do much better than a smaller dog but an open forum isn't the place to discuss this. Keep saying it and 1 day you may actually believe it. Pm me if you prefer id like to see these full sized dogs do so well whe. compared to a not full size dog haha full sized that's a hoot
  5. A taller dog, as long as it's agile, is going to be of more use than a smaller type in alot of situations, especially lamping on ground with a fair amount of roughish scrub/cover or whatever, due to a better field of vision due to it's height, more so when you're after a few mice! lol But we ain't talking small dogs we are talking dogs at 26ats,hardly small and able to do everyything a taller dog can
  6. Nobody saying anys better. Just asking what a dog at 30 can do a dog at 26 can't?. The yanks an ozzzys may need dogs that size but in this country we don't not even pre ban as you read on here lol
  7. I know of 2 powerfull bitches standing at 26 at the shoulder. Any of you guys want to compare them too your bigger cleaner dogs are more than welcome. Ain't promising I'll let any big dogs near them for pups tho. They will have to be something special for me to consider it haha the irony in a guy called stiffmeister shouting about size matters is classical
  8. So what can a 30 incher do that a 26 incher can't?
  9. How big is big? Too big is as bad as too small . Give me a 26 inch power house anyday rather than a 30 incher. So how big is big?
  10. Can't beat Meat for dogs and in the recent bad weather a bit of hot meat can work wonders to insulate a dog from the inside out. Stock an caught game cant be beaten as dog food its what nature intended
  11. Real good fun. We will be doing a lot this summer with the fly rods
  12. Some very nice birds on here. Well done to the guys who have done them justice
  13. Hi guys Hot Meat here I'm running dog mad an hunt for me meat. Got a couple of young dogs on and love nothing more then getting them out. Lots of reading to be done now Hot Meat
  14. Hi mate I'm in same boat. Not long back into the running dogs. Its in the blood alright. Hope you have lots of good times ahead
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