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Everything posted by abarrett

  1. Don’t know if it’s on Netflix but tin star is a good watch
  2. abarrett


    I did the opposite I worked in butchers shops for 15 years then left and started pest control butchers shops are 6 days a week long hours and loads of paperwork to keep on top of eho inspections weights and measures trading standards coshh temperature control sheets delivery temperature sheets traceability with everything you touch that’s without the raw- cooked - frozen - selling and handling nightmares then there’s the profits and loss if you don’t sell a cut of meat it only moves down the chain eventually ending frozen or minced or in the pet food bag
  3. Cheap mouth wash gets the stink out of by boots It kills the bacteria that causes the smell Try spraying the coat with mouth wash Might work
  4. Save your money up Have both your bottom ribs removed Have as many as you want
  5. Drop them down your local barbers or any where there's a waiting room
  6. Must be posh up your end That's just a few rolls of turf fell of some ald fellas barrow It ain't fly tipping unless there's at least 2 fridges a dozen old tyres And enough conifer tops to build a grand national fence
  7. Would cow hoofs work or rams horn Try the local slaughterhouse Much as you want from there
  8. I learned today that if a bloke knocks your door and says Do you want your shed re-tard Don't say no because I did and when I went out an hour later he'd taken it
  9. I had a quid on him catching a round before the Election Day I'd have another quid that if he does cop for one the discription of the shooter will be Man wearing a very large brimmed hat a poncho thick moustache smoking a cigar escaped on a donkey
  10. Next time you see her tell her you've been bit on the bell end by a poisonous snake And if the venom isn't sucked out in the next 5 minutes you will die If she says it's been nice knowing you go back to the hand manuals in the tardis and forget her
  11. Farted on the bus today 4 people turned round I felt just like I was on the voice
  12. We go to a little restaurant in San javier called el senoria The coit de boufe is simply called ox chop its cooked on a grill Best thing I've ever eaten the bone looks like a Bombay shite hawk has been on it when I'm done It comes as a per person dish you don't need much with it 29th November the next ones going in Back on the turkey theme Not sure what they go for but I've got 500+ to dress for a local farmer He puts his casualties ( bit of a tear or a bruise) in to penkridge market they go for a lot less money They might be worth a look
  13. abarrett


    They should do a Saturday episode The pub full of lads watching the football getting proper pissed Eating cheese n onion cobs And scratching Talking shite and having a bet Then they could have He said he loved me episode on Monday
  14. I've had the same time and again I feel for the lads that do the council contracts for big firms They have been trained on routine box checking sites If the baits gone replace it and that's as far as it goes no thought for the bigger picture
  15. If it's going to be covered have a look round for a local company That supply's or removes commercial fridges They usually scrap the tin outer but the hard foam insulation comes in big Pieces and it's easy to shape and usually free
  16. Be the best bit of sport you will have had in a long time Ratmanwan has the same thing I go with him We are going tonight I think last time he had a count up in the diary since the start of the year we have shot (Seen hit and fall not squeak and run ) About 1800 rats
  17. Bit confused so If you own a 308 but have no land cleared for this round How would you get the 308 in the first place Where is the proof of reason for wanting the round You can't just say just in case ........
  18. If the woods used for pheasant Don't let the keeper catch you in there lol
  19. Try the local gun shop See if they have a gadget used to inspect down a rifle barrel To make sure it is still in there
  20. Sell the dept There's always someone willing to ask nicely for outstanding money for a share
  21. How many coppers does it take to throw a bloke down the stairs ? None he fell
  22. What's got 4 legs and a cock half way up its back A police horse
  23. When you've got a cock like a baby's arm holding an apple And an arse like a 14 pound sledge hammer You don't need chat up lines lol
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