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Everything posted by Dubba

  1. We've been hitting the mink hard for about the last 8 years on a 2 mile stretch of the Wye. Unfortunatly no sign of water voles yet, the mink are never ending. That's good news that they seem to be on the up
  2. Bumbles have been quite busy no honey bees it a single swarm. Starting to get a few wasp nests in. I Never treat bumbles if I can't remove them or educate the customer I walk away, I'm not that desperate for money
  3. Anyone know him or how I can get in contact with him? He was like a second dad to me but we fell out a couple of years back and lost contact. Would be great to hear from him
  4. Dubba


    Aye very refreshing especially when you yank your overalls back up and realise you've shit in your hood
  5. Nice looking dog that he's pretty young isn't he?
  6. Dubba


    Ah shit thought I had put it general my mistake been a long day. Not sure about a link to the page not sure how to do that on Facebook
  7. Dubba


    Anyone seen this Facebook community " Fox Hunters Getting Trolled"? The f***ing idiots are putting up pictures and personal details of people they think are involved in fieldsports. Even whether they've got kids or not the sick c**ts.
  8. Jock of the bushveld by Percy FitzPatrick Give that a try make a good read
  9. f***ing disgusting and they wonder why people aren't donating to them. They really have lost the plot I had a visit last year they'd had a tip of that I was digging billies complete bollocks just someone shit stirring. They told me they would have to interview me under caution! And that they had the power to seize my dogs. I hadn't let them through the door but one made a grab for border that was sat next to me. They told me that all this could be cleared up if I handed over my dogs so that there vet could inspect them. And if I really was innocent I should be quite happy to do so. Tol
  10. Bought this the other day cracking motor but it seems to have a problem with the aircon. Runs fine for about 10 mins then blows fuse 17. Any ideas before I run it to the garage?
  11. Gaz you get me all wrong fella if you'd read the original post you'd of seen why I asked. I'm certainly not a close minded person I believe every opinion is important regardless of whether it fits in with your own or mine that's the beauty of a forum. ATB
  12. Your right Gaz that was me and that dog I was asking about wasn't mine as i said I just said I'd ask for them, I thought the whole thing was a piss take to. And of course they won't keep there dew claws down by just by climbing river banks its a combination of all work. Quote There is no way a dew claw helps a dog turn. FFS. All these top coursing lads breeding pups fetching thousands at a few months old wouldnt be removing the dew claws if they helped the dog turn. Most do leave them on fella
  13. Id disagree that there a redundant digit perhaps whoever did that study should watch a few working dogs lifting themselves out holes or climbing banks etc then say there "redundant" and they certainly do come into contact with the ground when a dog turns tightly. I think I've been lucky maybe as I've never had one injured where it needed to be removed. Had the odd bash but they were caused when the dogs were chasing each other or my fault when running the dogs on ground that was probably far to hard. The only thing I would do was ever few runs just remove As I said there the one nail
  14. On or of? I've always left them on because they're there for a reason and help the dog make those tight turns, i have never had to trim them which i think proves just how much the dogs use them. I used to corse a lot and rarely had any injuries to them, no more than any other toe or claw But most litters I see for sale now have had them removed? What's the thinking behind this?
  15. Tumble dryer ball one of those blue things with all nobly bits on. My dogs love them and pretty much indestructible only cost a quid for 2 If the dog don't like em they make great massagers after a hard day on your feet
  16. This is only my opinion and how I try to treat my dogs. 1) get out with someone that knows what there doing and learn from them. 2) you've already bi passed 1 so basic training is next with recall being being the most important. 3) stock breaking. Make sure your dog is 100% with all livestock and while its a pup try to break it to cats. Believe me there's nothing worse than having a friendly chat with a farmer and have your dog retrieve his beloved Tiddles, never goes down well. 4) TAKE IT SLOW don't expect to much to soon from your dog the natural things will happen with time. 5) return
  17. It's surprising how many if these sick fuckers are about. When I used to work closely with greyhound rescue we used to have a fair few dogs from them in our kennels that had there ears removed
  18. They were upto the late 80's where there thought to have been eradicated. It is possible there's still a few knocking about in some of the wilder parts of the country
  19. Great pic We have two resident otters on our stretch of the Wye that have been there at least ten years we've had no problems with them and fish stocks. Last year while salmon fishing I was upto my chest in water when a otter with kits swam out from the bank. She didn't seem fazed by me in the slightest and the kits were playing for about half hour in front of me. An incredidible sight. I can see where they'd be a problem with stocked ponds and have seen first hand a 1/2 acre ornamental pond completely cleared out I a week by a family. Out of interest do you boys who are effected try an
  20. I'm pretty sure that's metric, is the any star like symbols close to those measurements?
  21. Believe me it was when you've got about half a dozen people watching the whole thing
  22. This is probably one of my scariest memories about 10 years ago. Out for a bank holiday walk on some of my permission, there were lots of people out walking and a couple having a picnic and enjoying the sunshine. The two borders were running a hedge line and the four Lurchers were being prats chasing each other thought the grass enjoying themselves. What I didn't know was the two Roe bucks that I'd seen the day before had led up in a T junction in the hedge. The borders were broken to deer but the Roe didn't know that and bolted straight between the Lurchers. Had the dogs running in diffe
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