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Everything posted by bedlingtonman

  1. another good day out had will post pics tomo
  2. ye a few been done 3 i think got fines for entering a dog and coursing a fox wat ever that comes under lol all got moters took and £1000 fines i think.....be careful
  3. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/LE-CHAMEAU-MANGANU-G...1QQcmdZViewItem look real good boots anyone had or heard of any thanks
  4. i have one and a b&f they are both good deben is easier to use in my book
  5. a gos hawk would be better. any ideas how much he wants for it and is it male or female. Female £800 and he is a good man
  6. i use lazzapell thro my webley spektre mk2 at 28 ft pound on FAC and can drop rabbits at silly distances very accurate for me
  7. try and post some other info mate like area date stolen size of bitch any scares she might have and such mate
  8. All depends on what you need mate i had a small russal for 3 years got 40 odd fox we the bitch had t0 retire her due to injery because of her size but round me a big dog just can not get were the foxes are ....
  9. Nice gun mate is the a full lengh silenced barrel and if you dont mind me sayin try a few accu pell threw your gun mate JMO thanks
  10. what area you in mate im a joiner by trade and made loads last year can make to size and the lot but cost a bit 2 send them now with new post office rules
  11. i think on the same lines mate i do go rattin on the farm but its only to keep the farmers happy i have 5 farms all next to each other but in the middle of them is water board land with 4 big reses on and just at the bottem of there land is the farm tip its liftin with them but they leave hem until they come down to the farms but i prefer to do that at weekends and dig in the week i dont see many on the land but some times we do and it only takes one ........... Rattin is fun but i prefer diggin
  12. he breeds some good russels i got 1 carnt really fault him....
  13. yo mars mate i can get you a mclouch petrol strimer complete but shafts gone just modify that mate ring me
  14. hi bed man are you sure they are ben long hoods as they look like martin jones hoods and are the hoods from your old bird cos you would not know what weight the new one would be would you. chris. I had my bird 5 years mate i always bought her new hoods and jesses as she used to try and eat them in the avery she would always nibble at the jesses and try with the hoods so these was bought as spares all these were bought from ben long and crown falconry my bird died in the run up to the season last year i had her from young and trained her and all on my own she had the best of everythin
  15. 2 Large Swivels 1 Mediem Swivel Set of 10 eylets and eyelet tool 2 Ben long hoods 7 Sets of training Jesses 3 Sets of flying Jesses 2 Light flying jesses 2 Pair of anklets 1 Set of Squireling Chaps 1 metre lines 1 Ko-cha-line All these are brand new had them about a year was going to get another harris after mine passed away but dont have the time now offers by PM pls thanks they all were 2 fit a female harris that flew at 2.5lb
  16. i pmed you the day you put it on but still not got no info
  17. //// Hi mate, it's called "parallax" adjustment. Awesome gun, mate has one, dead accurate and really light to carry, easy to reload and refill. Top bit of kit. parallax" adjustment me and spellin that does not go mate lol
  18. Hi mate, it's called "parallax" adjustment. Awesome gun, mate has one, dead accurate and really light to carry, easy to reload and refill. Top bit of kit. parallax" adjustment me and spellin that does not go mate lol
  19. blackburn lancs the scope also has yardage on front of scope ....
  20. blackburn lancs the scope also has yardage on front of scope
  21. I have a spektre mk 2 ,2 10 shot mags the pump gun bag , The rifle has a black hole evo silencer on it and the rifle is silnent also an iluminted 3-9-40 scope its all like new just dont have time to use it so im letting it go £450 the lot its all clean as can be in 2.2
  22. Many people i have met tie in there nets, this doesnt meen its wronge or right, just right for the person using that net. 12ft of net in a 6ft lenght of net still adds up to 100% bagging no mater how you look at it. A few people i know tie in the bagging on thier trad set nets with the view point as it is gathered in the bagging still stays spread out evenly along the net, this may not be to everyones likeing but, if it works for you and all that....... same as useing pegs on long nets in daytime when ferreting, some use pegs at night so the bottom line hugs the ground so to speak, oth
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