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Everything posted by bedlingtonman

  1. its nature mate ide just let it run its course
  2. They say after 21 days her body starts to calm down and get back to normal i give mine 4 week start to finish but its just my opinion pal not fact every dog is diffrent ATB
  3. Iv found leave it at home walk her bike her but runnin them some do weird things my bitch is murder she never been lined or out but wants to be and lets u no lol
  4. LOL, you lot that have wheels on your house are a completely different breed all together!!!! Oh thats low mate no need pal lol does (ENGLISH) mean me A irish english traveler who lives on site and has a house lol
  5. Glad u didnt fetch me into in the strong stuff im sick of tellin you pal lol
  6. iv delt we soapy top lad thanks pal
  7. iv had peeps npw got this there better stronger signal dead accurate boxes better built good screen good depth in inch ft cm the lot nice bit a kit a tenner more than the peeps 1 but to me alot better my screen went twice on the peeps they just need better collars on there locators but my pal strong stuff going to try and sort that
  8. Sorry £300 dogs £350 bitches and am in Barnsley. What do mum and work do you dig to them what lines are they any pics ??
  9. whats the parents on the pup pal the pup breed from hard diggin stuff or bayin ..............
  10. BSA R10 MK2 Air Arms 510 Weihrauch 100 All 2.2 mainly for rabbit squirel crow and such Thanks in advance lads
  11. good money paid for right dog needs to be hard on fox ......thanks
  12. Pics and a ruff price pall woul be good so none of the jokers on here insult ya lol
  13. http://www.deben.com/handheld-lights/lightforcre-striker-variable-power.html
  14. ive 2 1 at 25" 80lb 3 year old and 26" 72lb 7 year old bitch 24" 52 lb 4 year old
  15. No mate the law states if u have a guard dog for protectin property i must say so on property borders we have on the farm 14 signs 2 kennals 2 guard dogs on wires and there stock broke lol
  16. rescuse places dont normally have anything like that pal and most vet places with paper work micro chips and such
  17. not if the dog run off wi the shock of it all protctin its home and all
  18. They need eatin mate not chasin you got it wrong way round lad
  19. We have a dairy farm and me and old man always have a hour with air rifle and gunlamp they just seem to freeze and its a good way of findin your way round with out movin live stock just becarefull look wats behind ur shot lol...
  20. Hows that pup doing mate

  21. good night out last night 6 runs caught 4 we a unfit bull x lol

    1. A barron

      A barron

      good night woz it pal

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