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Everything posted by bedlingtonman

  1. My terrier bitch in sessin havin my first litter of terriers lol both parents 110% top stuff lads enjoy

  2. its a small show but a good turn out normally
  3. and i thought u had a gental figure mush
  4. how come ur sellin it pal there a top jacket i use 1
  5. Any good shows this week end if so were

    1. paulus


      little hunt show on sunday at the atherstone, kennel lane. witherley

  6. 100 all day i owned a 410 now have 100k carbine sports stock alot better smother crackin gun
  7. Wanted puppy jabs medical stuff for dogs Thanks ......PM pls
  8. he will knock him out derick cant stand wi hey and he will lol
  9. Crackin read lads apart from the odd tit like normal .......
  10. 2nd mating with shadrack and poach tonight next year should be top

    1. rocky1
    2. Attack Fell Terrier

      Attack Fell Terrier

      Is Poach a bull X bitch that came from the West Midlands by any chance?

    3. bedlingtonman


      bull x rocky pal out of golly

  11. Shadrack and poack lined today thanks to my pal cheers mate

  12. cant wait for this breedin so much intrest of pals doulbe breed golly should be crackin bull Xs

    1. GrCh
    2. J.DOG


      Did you get that bitch of DFK , looked nice


      Atb with the pups

    3. bedlingtonman


      ye pal did dfk a good pal of mine top lad ....

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  13. you got any plans in breeding that dog in the top pic mate? Yes pal to poach in a few days
  14. shadrack going to his 2nd bitch poach in 10 days they will be some crackin half x dogs

    1. bedlingtonman


      ring me pal theres a pup wi ur name on it lad if u want pal

  15. shadrack getting long needed time off good job my young dog does the job lol

  16. Shadrack getting long needed time off glad my young dog does the dog lol

  17. i offered good money to a few well known diggin lads wi real good dogs and got no offer of a dog sometimes even 2 grand dont get wat you want lol
  18. Top read thanks for sharing mate sorry for your losses best for future mate
  19. A mate off mine had a visit of scrotts on thursday night drugged his guard dog shot it with air rifle but didnt manage to get out as was disdurbed and thats was in derry .... Hope ypu get them all back and those who done the dead
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