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Everything posted by bedlingtonman

  1. cruffs and the well to do people are tring to get the electric trainers collers banned by raising public awareness saying there hurting dogs and no need to put through pain in a training situation lol
  2. I have 2 good workin border both hard both stick 2 there quarry but i got a J.r bitch just as hard 2 fox and a red lakeland hard 2 anything i think a good dog is were u find them there are workin litters of borders out there just not as many as other breeds imo but if u have a good border then u know u got 1
  3. this is one place http://www.toolfastdirect.co.uk/acatalog/B..._and_Forks.html I use bulldogs roundmouth and trench spade there great imo better than most others and cheap enough....
  4. looks a nice bitch [bANNED TEXT] hope she does well.....
  5. ive got an ugly little russal bitch she due 4 linnin in 3 days she 3 years old been dug to 7 times this year and bolted 4 she a small bitch hard little thing though ......
  6. i have 2 borders 1 male 1 female both kill foxes regular and both early starters the male is very strong and you can did anything with him i run alot of permision and this year ive dug 22 fox and bolted 14 ive have 3 over 10 foot and 2 of them were with the borders so mine have no trouble hunting [bANNED TEXT]......
  7. ive got a mixture a lakeland dog very hard can dig anything 2x borders hard as nails and a russal bitch that can kill foxes but alot of my mates use patterdales and are good strong dogs on foxes...
  8. Nice lookin dog good to here you got a result [bANNED TEXT].....
  9. i have a border he started at 9 months on fox now 12 he still works em 100% but takes alot more cosh now than he used 2 but hes a bit hard for anything other than fox ....
  10. Anyone using them and what are peoples veiws .....
  11. What lenths they will go to just to save there feild shame isnt it :whistle:
  12. The black dog look strong how big is he and whats the breeding behind him mate if u dont mind me askin ..
  13. Mines hard - very hard but i dont think u can get 2 hard just becare full what u put it in to...thanks
  14. Any one had any deallings or is there any more like this about better maybe .....Thanks
  15. i found a 1.77 over a distance does not have the kill power on crows and woddies unless its a head shot you hit them in the body they just fly but with a 2.2 they dont fly up just flat then fall imo....thanks
  16. Only if your a dingle i had a rapid 7 mk2 on fac set at 24ft lb put about 2000 pellets through it and it started leaking then when i looked in 2 to it there are more than well know 4 it yes its a very sweet gun really nice to shoot but 4 the money you get 2 many probs and the more u shoot the more it cost u to get it fixed ...thanks
  17. i bought a s200 about 7 months ago i got it with the 10 shot converter a silencer and 3-9-40 so it was fully loaded we go out 2 or 3 times a week rabbitin decoyin for crows pidgens magies ,squirelin ,and the odd duck and goose and with the target shootin when i got it i put about 3000 pellets throught it in 5 weeks just after that the cockin arm snapped then the trigger jamed 2 weeks later then the cylinder had a leak so i gave it 2 a [bANNED TEXT] and its jammed on him twice in 2 months ....thanks
  18. bedlingtonman, is it diff parts for the action on the Spectre 2????? If it was swapping a part, I might do it if it's that much smoother............the trigger is fully adjustable and seems real good. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> F.R. tha action is smother [bANNED TEXT] because its made from difrent stuff and built in a bit of a diffrent way (so am told) but the new trigger mech will go streight in [bANNED TEXT] ....Crisjones my [bANNED TEXT] has a s200 and i think 4 the money there ok but as an everyday rifle i dont think it will last long [bANNED TEXT] due to the leight weight st
  19. Its alot smoother action on the cocking and trigger has alot more play deppending on what you like mine has the synthetic stock with water proof foam on both hand grips makes it very comfertable to shoot .....
  20. 22ft lb is the best all round i think thats what mine is at but mines is the mark 2 it only has 1 setting no switch for low,med,hi on mine u need the mark 1 for that but the mark 2 is a bit better smoother action and trigger is ment to be diffrent ...
  21. I have a webley spektre 2 with synthetic stock nice and black and light and very good 2 shoot best 4 me ...
  22. Im a member of are local fell and moorland and we have a good turn out on a rescue ive not missed 1 for 4 years and same for a lot of the lads they just drop what they can and come those who carnt just come get there asap and stay till late late late if dog not out in that day a few stay the night and some othrer lads will take over in the morning but there alot of rock up here so thats normaly were the rescue takes place....
  23. Anyone get it pm me please....thanks
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