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Everything posted by ferrets88

  1. ferrets88


    Donated best of luck mate
  2. ferrets88


    Have you heard any more to the condition of the other dogs or they still not letting you see them??
  3. ferrets88


    Sorry for your loss mate hope you sort this out the sick cnuts cant get away with this!
  4. Where do you get that statement from genuine question? I work with free range birds an when we have a fox problem we can loose any where from 10 - 1000 birds in one day and will loose that amount everyday until the fox is sorted.
  5. Might sound a bit daft but are all the screws tight on the rifle? know someone had it happen to them took ages for them to find out lol
  6. Incinerator or dead bin on a farm be your best bet
  7. No keep the ferrets and cages clean no point in jab just another way for vets to screw you over they'll come out of season on there own
  8. Poor dogs horrible way to go just hope the sick c***s get what they deserve
  9. Is that blood on her hands in the first video? What she done try give it kiss of life after he shot it what a stupid bitch someone could of got hurt with her doing all that
  10. Like the one said its some you know mate for them to know they're their in first place. Hope you get sorted an get your ferrets back an catch the dirty tw@ bags that took them
  11. Probably a stupid question but wtf is a minshaw? I've got a 3/4 whippet 1/4 collie and am always getting asked is that a minshaw? When I say no and ask what a minshaw is they just say a breed of working dog. See it all the time popping up on here about them but no one ever says how their bred or is it just one of them questions you don't ask lol
  12. Think it depends on the collar I think mine are 394's for mk3m, I get mine from gun shop nearby so might be worth a look at your local gun shop see if they stock them there only a quid each so works out 2quid a collar which isn't a lot for what they do.
  13. I sent in a variation in recently asking for 223 and a 243 but FAO said unless you've been on a deer management course there is no chance you will get 243 even if it is just for shooting foxes even if you plan to shoot deer in future. Is this how it is all over or are each firearms different when it comes to rules?
  14. Its easier when there young I always feed them then handle them seem to be less nippy but if they do carry on push your finger to the back of their throat that seems to stop them biting hard works for me.
  15. Don't matter local or not I live Lincolnshire an I still get pulled. They see a dog in the back they pull you probly got nothing better to do don't think that dog that got dumped other week helps matters
  16. Just any normal superglue mate used loads of times on dogs and myself.
  17. They are paying for the fencing to be fixed, there was a barb wire fence but that's been cut then looks like a truck or vans drive through the electric fence and chicken wire. A camcorder out of the question as we're not getting problems everyday just now and then but when we do its always a lot of birds and work can think again if they want me sitting there filming 24hrs a day.
  18. Don't worry about the cats they are feral we know the owners used to have cats but claim not to now and there always having kittens round the farm and you can normally find them around the site. About someone saying they must be big cats the chicken are barely a month old when there let out to range so the chicken aren't that big. There was chicken wire and electric fencing around the entire farm but has been ripped to bits by people robbing diesel and work haven't had chance to get us the bits to replace it, I have finally managed to persuade work to put cameras up so that could help us prove
  19. Thanks for all your replies lads. Work have been onto the owners and they don't seem interested the police have been called but aren't bothered even tho we caught the dogs in the act and saw them running back to the owners gardens there was insufficient evidence. I don't want to shoot the dogs I can just see it causing me problems and like some of you have said end up with work going up in flames. Cats are fair game cant stand the bloody things think the best way to sort dogs is trap them then see if that's enough evidence for the police to act.
  20. I work on a free range poultry farm and have been getting problems from peoples dogs/cats does anyone know where the law stands on this? Work have made complaints to the owners but its getting to the stage where enough is enough and we've been told to shoot them on sight. I just want to make sure that I am not going to be breaking the law and risk losing my firearms license.
  21. I live down that way and not heard anything Clifton just down the road to me.
  22. Seems to have slowed down fink they staying clear of it now had them in it 5 times now but have started getting a few Charlie cubs so works happy bout that. Fink I mite start taking pics or videos of releases like you say just incase someone tries grasses me up. Cheers for all your advice and replies Joe
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