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    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 05/04/1981

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  1. " Youth Cup 2016 " Ukraine . The work on fox. 2 diplomas of 1 st degree ( 2 fox ) . She took 3rd place in the competition.
  2. Thanks you mates ! She is very nice and sharp and I like her so much and I say big thanks to the breeder .
  3. Well known Asstraata line , especially the presence of Astors's relatives , and it's pleased to see Duvadirto Jo Jo in bloods . Nice dogs !
  4. Growing up. Boys on first picture and girls on second picture. The male that in the middle on the picture and on video I've chosen for one of my friends and look forward to see what he will perform .
  5. Thanks Quarter bull and I'm fine . Those little black and tan wouldn't exist without the blood of fox terrier in them .
  6. Thank you Mosby ! Ther is 3 males and 3 females and hunters , over here , believe that it's a sign , but the most important for me is 3 of them go close to me and I will keep an eye on them .
  7. Sorry frazdog, but that's probably a misunderstanding. If you're talking about the photo, it's 2 Dachshunds and this dog is standing with his back to us is Jagd. They were never mixed. Although, a few days ago, on a walk with the dog, I met a hunter with a dog. His dog was Jagd, but I immediately realized that something was wrong here. He said it Jagd mixed with a Teckel. He said that dog is good for underground hunting. And very malicious creature
  8. I saw how work those long-rough red or rough grey-dirty and long haired . They have high malice to animals and very often show a good result even leaving Jagds behind sometimes . But I've never seen mixed. Very interesting!
  9. Are the small ones, straight Teckels or have they been Xsd' with Jagds This is pure dachshunds. Their owner loves this breed so much and breed them for over 20 years. These two are from male to which he took his bitch to Germany for mating.
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