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Everything posted by ABDog

  1. ABDog


    This looks like your auctions . . . 99p start though, not 1p
  2. Raw [chicken and rabbit] bones are no riskier than feeding kibble and a whole lot healthier.
  3. I bought a (non-fac) Crosman Quest, brand new, from an RFD and that chrono'd at 14.4ft/lb . . . Soon took it back and got a refund.
  4. Fingers crossed for her matey. . . . .
  5. A couple of vets and a few dogmen have told me that it's kinda difficult to overdose on wormer. . the end result is usually some runny bums, not much else. True or not, I dunno. . . but they seemed pretty sure.
  6. ABDog

    pink floyd

    It's not that marmite for me. . .some of it I think is awesome, some a bit cruddy. Saw them at Wembley Stadium many moons ago. . . phenomenal gig.
  7. Was offered one of these late last year, without a skeleton stock if I remember correctly (but with thumbhole) but with scope, bag and fittings for bottle filling . . plus one or two other bits (I think). . . £250. Lovely gun, wish I'd had the money for it.
  8. Daunting indeed I'd love to learn this new skill but am not really in a position to throw myself into it and unfortunately have to weigh up the pro's and con's. With good technique and experience, how long would a 50yard net take to make? And what would the materials cost roughly?
  9. Probably do the same myself if I felt one of mine had no hope of getting out on their own. . The passer-by (who stood well back taking pics) is priceless though. . .
  10. The news article reads as if plod are targetting organised crime . . are they really likely to use these new powers to nab a hunter?
  11. How does it work out on a practical level? For instance, a 50yd 6oz net is about £50 on ebay. . . how does that compare to the cost (in time and materials) of making your own?
  12. I would imagine a lot depends on age and condition. Mine was £275 new and the good ones seem to hold their value quite well.
  13. Will probably give the second series a go tbh. . .
  14. Think the whole series was a bit 'flat'. . . very few highlights imo. The subject matter could have been made into a very thought provoking drama. Reckon they wasted a good opportunity.
  15. Would they be ok on a springer air rifle d'ya think?
  16. Don't eat it. . . my Pa cooked a bunny pie about 30-ish years ago and, to me (and at that time), it tasted like 'off' chicken so I haven't tried it since. Was discussing the 'how' of rabbit cooking just the other day though (on the back of me making my first stew (beef) and it being a dish of much awesomeness). For bunny stew do you quarter it (after gutting, skinning, head and legs off) and chuck it in the pot - bones and all?
  17. HW's are reputed to 'prefer' the H&N FTT's as mentioned above. That's what I use, no complaints.
  18. What veg was it? Mine have been fed frozen food, on occasion, without issue, both meat/bone and veg. . .
  19. I have some realtree neoprene ones with foldy back fingers on both hands Windproof, waterproof, grippy palms, very light and toasty warm. Bought them a few months back off fleabay for under £15. . . think their intended use is fishing.
  20. Kin ell... check out ebay (just search 'nbc suit'), they're selling for around a fiver plus postage...... Anyone wants this can have it for £12 inc. delivery . . . . .
  21. Yup.. hood attached. Will try and get a pic off the net of someone wearing one. . .
  22. I have a set I wear and they have stood up well in light rain (not tried in anything more than that) so maybe just showerproof? As for the black lining. . haven't noticed a problem.. but haven't worn mine much either. Just found this one all packed up, unused and taking up space so thought someone could make use of it. Willing to consider offers/swaps etc.. . . . . .
  23. Still shrink-wrapped (tag says it was packed in jun'89) so new and unused. '89 pattern DPM Camo NBC suit. Not quite sure on the full spec but I think they are waterproof, carbon lined, trousers have webbing braces Size is on the pic(s) £25 including delivery - sensible offers considered. Cash, cheque, p.o., paypal accepted, leads, collars, training dummies, rabbit skins, traps (rat or rabbit), nets considered
  24. Not quite accurate, dogs cannot break down cellulose so any vegetable matter (that is to be used for the purposes of nutrition - not that it is necessary, they are fundamentally carnivores) needs to be liquidised before feeding.Those I know that do feed veg as part of the diet tend to make ice cubes out of the pureed veg and use as required.
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