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Everything posted by ABDog

  1. It's not an uncommon opinion unfortunately. A member of my family recently declared me a f**king sicko because I. . . 1. Shoot rabbits 2. Would rather be out (on rabbit) with ferrets and dogs (which is infinitely worse than shooting since the dogs (according to the ignorant) rip rabbits to pieces... and all rabbits are pets). It doesn't make me doubt what I do.. just makes me realise what clowns these people are.
  2. An idea of location would be useful
  3. ABDog

    pet shop boys

    It would have to be at least 23 years old now.
  4. Fantastic.. for both boy and dog I couldn't take my 4 year old out with me, he'd be a nightmare...!!
  5. She's collie, beddy, whippet, grey. Varying proportions. . . Don't let them GSD'esque lug'oles throw you on the mix
  6. Was an amaaaaazing outing.. and a very steep learning curve. The dogs were great, far exceeded my expectations Megan insisted on carrying her trophy from the truck and just had to stop by the front room to wave it about in front of her mum, she was still buzzing from her first outing .. Gotta get out again soon!!
  7. ABDog

    free stuff!!!

    Never received anything but a catalogue. . . and a stack of bloody emails every week
  8. bump ever minute of every day, some will always be too damn thick to 'get it'.. and then they'll blame everyone but themselves when they end up in a cell. You can lead a horse to water. . . etc. etc.
  9. I'd support our local hunt if I knew of one . . .
  10. he kick off today because is post got took off thats it and if you kick off onces you get kick off So you know why he was kicked off. . . . no need for a thread asking about it.
  11. Perhaps the mod/admin team felt he was being a dick?
  12. The line I added after your question explains what I was saying by mentioning the DDA. I am fully aware what the DDA is, unfortunately you seem to not quite get the gist of it. A person only has to be in fear of getting bitten/attacked for the offence to be complete.
  13. That's disgusting!!.. See a lot of empty shells strewn around the floor round here, p'raps it's too much to ask to pick 'em up?
  14. Just this afternoon my fellow dog buddy mentioned feeding pineapple as a potential 'fix' for the poop-eaters.. . . must be some truth in it or she wouldna bothered. Like most things 'dog', I suspect there's no single guaranteed cure though.
  15. Oh dear . . . Ok... the database with IP addresses and stuff may not be on Admins home pc, the authorities would have to access the server that hosts THL. And, if you read the details. . So it's not exactly a new thing. Suitable antivirus and firewall software should close this door Is cyber-hunting illegal? And much, much more. . .
  16. Well, it could. . but that's not what I was saying.My point was that a seizure under sec.1 is the only instance, in law (and that I know of), where you are presumed guilty until proven innocent With regard to what? On what basis do you make this statement?We all know it's unfair but who, with the relevant power, has finally overturned it?
  17. A lot of dogs will scoff sheep, horse, fox etc. poop. . . and/or roll in it.
  18. I know dogs that are 100% not lacking in anything in their diet that eat solid waste. I had (many moons ago) an EBT and a Bullmastiff, both were fed the exact same food (Eukanuba), exercised the same etc.etc. The EBT ate solid waste, the mastiff didn't.
  19. When I took mine back to the rfd, he chrono'd it with one of them cheapo plastic jobbies thatare held to the end of the barrel and, according to him, it was legal. The chrono at the shooting club was a much more substantial affair.
  20. I have a theory (unproven) that solid waste from kibble fed dogs smells more like kibble than crap (to the dog). . There are things you can add to the diet which (allegedly) make it unpalatable but I don't remember what they are.
  21. The 'something lacking in the diet' is, in my opinion, a bit of an old wives tale. . . it is a possibility but not a usually. It's also, in my experience, more prevalent in kibble fed dogs.
  22. Buying new, from an RFD, is no guarantee you'll buy a legal firearm. My first one was purchased new and, at the firing range, was chrono'd at a consistent 14.4ft/lb . . .
  23. The onus is always on you to prove your innocence No it's not. Unless you have a dog siezed under section 1 of the dda, the old innocent until proven guitly still applies. As far as info from the mods/admin, the authorities could apply for a warrant to get pm's and IP addresses (and any other info) from the administrator/owner of the site. If there's no warrant then the Data Protection Act covers the bases Anything posted on the open forum is fair game. . you can assume that, once it's on the 'net, it's there for the world to see/use. . .
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