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Everything posted by ABDog

  1. Still got it... too many false promises
  2. As far as I know, metal detectors have been used with some success.. the downside is that the ground is often littered with metal debris that could give false readings all over the place.. Not only that, can metal detectors reach a depth of 8 or 16ft (as the locators apparently do)?
  3. I would suspect that Deben fix the rrp.. it's not an uncommon practice (or didn't used to be) in retail. Bet the mark-up ain't great either. .
  4. An electronics engineer should be able to identify the parts and make a list.. component cost is probably a coupla quid. I've been looking for someone I can trust to send my Mk1 box to for this purpose.
  5. Purse nets?? Make 'em at a cost of about £35 for 50 (in spun poly, using heavy rings) . . .
  6. The price of this stuff is ridiculous.. Deben even have all numbers removed from the components that make up their ferret finders/collars. Because they know that anyone with a bit of soldering skill and a Maplins catalogue could put one together for a fiver!! Ferreting's not (supposed to be) a rich mans sport is it??
  7. You modify the exhaust to take a long (flexible) pipe and chuck it (the end of the pipe) down rat holes to smoke them out. Basically. Not 100% but think some have used on bunny holes too. . . .
  8. Forgot to say it will come with a new bottle of 2-stroke oil.. bargain to he had here chaps
  9. Little lightweight petrol strimmer engine, already cut down, just needs the exhaust modded to take a pipe.. Runs lovely. . . . £30 posted.. Got a vid clip of it running will send by pm if wanted..
  10. Forgot to add.. would consider having a deal on ferreting gear or leatherworking tools..
  11. Cheers fella.... think I have an unopened bottle of 2-stroke oil too if needed . . will chuck it in f.o.c. if I have.
  12. Converted from a petrol strimmer.. £50 delivered (postage for the last one was in excess of £12).. And 30 second vid clip (might want to turn the volume down a tad).. Not sure how long that pipe will last, it's pretty thick though.
  13. They're not all bad... You just gotta look after them and not rag the tits off them all day long... the 3.1 is a big ol' plodding motor, not meant for anything remotely resembling high speed (and by that I mean over 90 . . . lol)... Mine rarely goes over 70.
  14. As previously said... get yourself on www.itocuk.co.uk . . very helpful, a wealth of info.. helped me out numerous times.
  15. There are bad dogs... and bad owners. Doesn't need to descend into warfare... there is always the option of debating a subject intelligently and civilly, thus retaining some dignity.
  16. Not the most exciting vid clip I've seen......
  17. Why's that?I've said nowt against any breed.. just poor breeding practice and dickhead owners. Got nothing against any breed in particular (well, I don't see the point in the Cavalier King charles, but that's not the point )..
  18. Such a dog has no place in todays society.It is irresponsible for breeders to produce them and plain stupidity for people to knowingly take them into their homes. And not the breeders fault for producing a dog with zero regard for temperament and then selling it to a dickhead? I'm sure this particular debate has raged across the 'net (and beyond) for years and will continue to do so . . . . poor breeding practice will continue, as will the dollar before the dog, as will dickheads buying socially irresponsible dogs (and innocent people being sold completely the wrong dog because of naive
  19. Is there any reliable evidence of a proposal to add them to section 1?
  20. As long as it's fresh and not smashed to buggery, yeah... Rabbits, pheasants, deer. . . not squirrels or rats though..
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