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About geordie1965

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 16/12/1965

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  • Gender
  • Location
    west lothian
  • Interests
  1. Would you be prepared to send it if I pay the post and package
  2. Been the last few years not a bad day out but getting a bit pricey now
  3. Have to agree it's a hunting show but not for hunting dogs,never went this year had enough of it over the last couple of years
  4. put a 6 inch strap in the wire,put this in mine about 2 feet up they cant get up past it
  5. mate of mine works his little staffie along with his russel and ferrets its no worid beater but loves it
  6. got a little beddy 14 inch , granitor bloodlines great little worker above ground use him with ferrets,bushing and a bit of ratting ,dont do any digging but he has pushed a few charlies out to the gun
  7. looking for young hob ferret happy to travel in central scotland to pick up
  8. looking for young hob ferret happy to travel to pick up in central scotland will be coming to working home
  9. anybody got a young hob in central scotland will travel to collect
  10. willing to try got a castrated hob that can do the job.....apparently willing to try your hob out mate if possible
  11. is your snipped hob available for 2 jills dont mind bringing them to you i live in west lothian
  12. anybody help cant seem to get pictures up
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