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About gasman

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    Born Hunter

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  1. Yes but think about all the free holidays judging terrier shows over the pond you would get
  2. I agree shame for all the effort that was put in to run the show, but location is very impotent
  3. . So would you say Powwell and Harcombe sent them for the coin? Or are they just con men? they sent sh*t out there for good coin! so I take it you dug the dog, and think they are con men
  4. Grand an half for the name, not bad no wonder Bluck released a magazine . Personally I would pay good money for the right dog
  5. So would you say Powwell and Harcombe sent them for the coin? Or are they just con men?
  6. And what dog would that be???
  7. I wonder if Ken, and his minions regret chasing the $$$$$ as I know of men with these blood lines, though they choose to remain silent on these threads.
  8. Axle was there not a bitch called Fliss that was mated to Spartacus, think she was grand d of Smithy
  9. There was a lot of good dogs sired by Spartacus
  10. was told last night that Scratch came from KG to SH back to KG, and was then offerd to another man, but she didn't suit him so she was sold to the states in pup to Spartacus. She had 2 pups, and was then sold to JMyers, and appears in the breeding of URu dog Crixus. The man also told me that Flint was %100 not sired by Spartacus
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