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Llywelyn the last

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About Llywelyn the last

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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    Sir Gar

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  1. I bred a litter of Kelpie cross Greyhounds a couple of years ago .. sire was a working kelpie imported .. bit rough with sheep but a decent enough dog , the dam was an open winning greyhound bitch .. litter was all black and ranged from 23 - 27 inches , racy and a good shape .
  2. I often read threads concerning collie crosses with a degree of confusion . More to do with the sometimes negative comments that relate to the border collie , and often mention is made of the far superior ,, Alsatian , Kelpie , ACD etc . The negative comments make me question what experience the naysayers have of the Border collie and in most cases , I believe statements are based on some previosu negative comment , and not practical experience . We run nearly a thousand ewes and if we were looking for a guaranteed working Animal , then I would not consider any of the o
  3. Last time I was on here, mr Gaz was quite forthright in his opinions , based on what he says he must be at least years old ......more than likely he's probably about 20 !!!! But with an opinion that exceeds his experience . The more breeds that goes into a mix the more variable the mix , in both physical appearance and mental aptitude . FFs bull , saluki , collie , greyhound with a bit of wheaten , Whippet etc . The outcome is so fecking random that you will rarely or never replicate the parents even if they were good . Buy some pigeons Good to see that you place some v
  4. That's quite poor if there are 20 traits above hard mouth - A rabbit catching lurcher is meant to catch for the pot - for yours or others . A complete rabbit hunting lurcher is not complete unless it retrieves , and preferably alive . There are instances where even a soft mouth dog with enthusiasm will kill and bruise badly , not every catch is going to result in a perfectly alive rabbit ......... that's the truth . But if every rabbit back is crunched and left where it is , then what the hells the point of a dog . Its just a very poorly trained (if at all ) dog that's fast ... to call it a lu
  5. Can't help thinking that some of the fools leaving this country to join Isis , must be shocked and shitting themselves , when they witness the level of barbarism . From a quiet street in Manchester ( or wherever ) to witnessing women , kids being cut in half for not converting to Islam . They must be regretting making the journey . Some no doubt will be getting involved , and those deserve the wrath of us all . The uk and all civilised nations should be looking to wipe these medieval loons from the face of the earth . I don't believe that they ( IS) will ever succeed in the long term , bu
  6. We trapped a Polecat this spring , and allowed him to cover jills . The kits are definitely sharper than a pure ferret , we have been handling them a lot and their ok . they are just more aware , alert and fearful than ferrets would be , not biters (yet ! ) . They are very fast and have a surprising turn of speed . I have not tried them yet as they are still quite young . I don't expect them to be as easy as ferrets . Why did we breed them ? more an experiment and we had a wild polecat in our traps , I have heard good stories and bad . Time will tell . It may be the second or third genera
  7. I agree with Jukel123 , which way round does not really matter . As long as both parents have good temperament !. The bitch does have a greater impact on the pups for the simple reason that she rears them , and a bitch that is sensible and calm , would be a more important consideration than whether the dam is a collie or a greyhound . Just my thoughts !
  8. I think as long as the collie comes from a good line of hill / farm type collies , then one could get some decent pups . The work he now does demands thought and ability . Big fan of the working Hill / farm collie as opposed to your more trial type stuff - they are often over excitable and too intense . The old collie lines used around a working mixed hill farm in my opinion is as good as any collie type to be found anywhere . Most farmers are poor trainers , and yet they usually have a collie or two who excel despite their owners . Working the farm for cattle and sheep on the hill or arou
  9. Phil You were indeed fortunate to have a mentor of that calibre . He also wrote in a manner that was easily understood , and clearly showed his understanding of dogs . Always enjoy flicking through the book occasionally to this day .
  10. I once bought a book for 50p from a second hand stall , "the Farmers Dog " by John Holmes ( the dog trainer and not he of the appendage ! ) , a really informative book , that describes instinct , and mental characteristics . Temperament and intelligence is a good chapter on the fact that an intelligent dog can also have a bad temperament . Good book , and one that clarified the confusion in my mind caused by the collie period of the 80's . Where collie good , others bad . Though I do like a collie . An honest appraisal of ones personality , would probably help us all In choosing a dog wh
  11. I tried long lining on a beach few years back . Got there as the tide was coming in , set the line and baited about 50 hooks , fixed the line on plywood boards both ends ( dug into the sand ) . Me my mrs and 3 kids (all under 5 ) 6 am , counting the catch as we set it down !!!! . Returned as the tide went out - only to find all the baits covered in crabs . I did not float the line , but it could well have been because it was a poor location . Haven't tried it since ! , any advice greatly welcome , as I am not a fisherman , the idea of food for the table is what appeals , and I would really li
  12. How old is she ? Do you have access to racing pigeons ? If so get a shopping basket , and place the bird under it . Attach a length of baler twine some 30 m long . Hide the basket in some rushes . Work your bitch up to it with the wind blowing in her face . She is likely to run straight in first time , if she does then make sure you pull the basket over well before she reaches it , releasing the bird . You can do this a number of times or you can try and slow her down with a check cord , holding her back , she should then realise with experience that a wild run in , results in a disappearing b
  13. Why is it such an issue that hancock breeds collie lurchers commercially ? . I do what I do , and look to maximise my return at every opportunity ( I try and maintain an ethical stance in doing so ) . Greyhounds are raced and bred and the breeders are in it to make money , they also get a buzz in breeding good dogs . the farmer keeps the Collie , to work the sheep so that he can make money from sheep . People write books , magazine articles sell hunting products etc to make money . It's all a bit hypocritical really . I admire any man that works hard and looks to keep his family from his own
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