I have always had an interest in hunting and have owned and worked Lurchers many years ago.
Pedigree Terriers - which Is now my main interest - started by accident when I started taking an uncle to shows around the UK to exhibit his Whippets. I became interested in Terriers and obtained my first Kerry Blue Terrier in 1974 and just went on from there. Giving up my trade as a Roofing Specialist was a blow after suffering a heart attack when I was 48 and could no longer perform the physical work the trade demanded. So, my hobby of exhibiting Pedigree Dogs then became my full time employment as a Professional Handler (now retired)
I published a Magazine in the late eighties with a Printer friend and it was called Terrier World. Unfortunately, due to personal difficulties he could no longer contine to print the Magazine and we stopped it. In those days it was extremely costly to produce a Magazine - everything had to be done manually, no computers then as such. Now of course a school leaver can do it on a computer with ease. So much so that I taught myself Web Design and now publish my former Magazine as a Cyber Magazine.
Visit the site you won' be disappointed; even if you have working Terriers there are lots of interesting pieces of information which have a value to all in the canine world.
Tony Manning.