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Everything posted by jack_russels.

  1. steath night vision cam used verry little cost £344.99 open to sensable offers comes with energize recharable batterys and 8GB memery card cheers J.R ........P.S IM IN THE NEWCASTLE AREA have a look http://www.scottcountry.co.uk/products_detail.asp?productID=2548&froogle=true
  2. never had no problems with it i also use it on my pigeons
  3. sounds a great price hope you find a good homes for them
  4. no worrys mate just my mate had a litter around the same age
  5. is the lad called peter by anychance
  6. happy birthday mate have a goodun
  7. did she come from chester le street mate
  8. i get it off the missus im thinking about expelling her
  9. fecking reds nicked me balls
  10. see it regular my self its the red fellas mate WHAT THEY DOING HAVING A GAME OF GOLF WHILE STEALING PEOPLES GAME LOL
  11. hi all pigeon fanciers on here theres a new site canny crack its just started so be nice lol http://www.northeastracingpigeons.com/cgi-bin/forum/Blah.pl?
  13. slip them there tresspassing on your land lol
  14. you wouldnt have a white bull x bitch would you lol
  15. give it back tracey and hope hes learnt his lesson
  16. still up for sale no offer has been made so ill start the bidding at £0.01
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