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Everything posted by jack_russels.

  1. give the dog a chance it is only young it will go either way
  2. thats the best way get it wrote down like mine no one can say a thing .....apart from the farm nextdoor lol
  3. suliki x bull grey ......and you got it [bANNED TEXT] i wouldnt part with it
  4. always said i wouldnt have anything with suliki or bull in it hahahaha now ive got it all in 1 and wouldnt change a thing
  5. theres a pair in jarrow area often see them flying around they have been obout for about a year now
  6. its still heaving if you in the [bANNED TEXT] place [bANNED TEXT]
  7. ive got a canny bit land in haltwhiste if yous fancy a day ferreting or lamping
  8. i no felltool he aint no anti we met a few years ago we invited each other to our homes and we did he is a sound bloke as lukey said we all make mistakes .....and as for the so called hunters that are giving this top lad shit ,,,,have you never done anything wrong ,,,,ohh no yous wouldnt of would yous
  9. its going to be a cold winter
  10. haha sickna they were probs bunnie boilers lol
  11. my memo is in me head ,,,,,,,its safe there,,,,,,,,,
  12. happy birthday mate have a good 1 dont get 2 sloshed
  13. fattttttttttttyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy lol

  14. met c.r a few times he still has 1 or 2 my mate has 3 from his lines http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u145/jack_russels/rhys012-1.jpg
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