paddy chat up lines
no1 did you fart cos you just blew me away
no2 are your parents retarted cos you special
no3 my love for you is like diaorea i just cant hold it in
no4 is there a mirrow in you knickers cos i can see myself in them
no5 your body reminds me of a spanner everytime i think of you my nuts tightin up
no6 you mite not be the best looking girl here but beauty is only A LIGHT SWITCH AWAY ................
little boy disturbs his parents having sex mum was on top the boy asked what are you doing , mum says dad has a big belly so i get on top of it to help flatten it ................. boy says your waitsing your time cos when you go out shopping the lady nextdoor gets down on her knees and blows it back up.....................
BURNIE sorry mate miss understood your post dog is fine now left her in today with plenty shade and electrlites in water she seems fine must of been heat thanks for replys ...........................J.R
burnie is there summik here are you an anti she has been a good dog she is 10 and im asking for advise so i dont have 2 take the short straw she has been a good dog through her life and ide rather let her see her days through insted of just being a bit heat i hope thats all it is and nothing else ........if you had a dog that long would you just dspose so easy i do not think so ............
hello peeps looking at my ten year old bitch today dont no weather its the heat or she just old but ive seen her take 2 fits do you think its ok to give her a jab of pen or shud i just leave her
................................................MAKE ME MOD ILL SORT THE GOOD FROM THE BAD and as for shooting the chat john it is a good part of this site and there is no trouble or children posting unwanted pics on there now seems it has been sorted once and for all no disrespect to you john just saying it as i see it ,,,,,,J.R
am i [bANNED TEXT] to say women dont fart .........its bullshit my missus farted on my leg i was out like a flash dogs ran i ran devorce papers on pillow is it [bANNED TEXT] or is it wrong .......????????????????????????