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Everything posted by Thesharpeend

  1. Well tiny am know photographer how do you want me to take the pics
  2. send em to my email mate jonnygraygolf@europe.com if you can mate, then ill try put em up for you. Just sent pic of three bitches av to get dog to Morra Jon
  3. Aye just tryed send individual pics not let is if a crop any more yah not be able to see the pups
  4. would not gift a dog to any person round except from the two ppl a go lamping with problys would even sell thm round mine and the the 1s tht have sold gone right out the way
  5. North east area pm for more info and pics £100 3dogs 3bitches 11 weekold
  6. Awould got with huntsman like andy says hw cocking lever not keen on and and my next pcp will be a huntsman but thy both excellent guns good luck with what ever you pick pal
  7. Proper lefty walnut wat cal and what shop andy
  8. Hate them things but love shooting the lil feckers ha good shooting bud
  9. Ah think ya can get thm just no1 want to part with the and ah had a 97k just me dads getting a pro sport had few shot but very uncomfortable with is bin a lefty and love the look of them and me dad says it the best springer he's shot
  10. Air arms pro sport LH in walnut ?
  11. Ah like the hawke range for the price yah pay had a good look a mtc hawke ranges and ah preferred the varmint it will do untill my falcon arrives then it take its place and the varmint wil do for my second gun
  12. Well a got to the gun shop had £300 in pocket just incase sum cort my eye had a at a few scopes and ended up coming home with the hawke varmint sf 3-12x44 £139 and he tossed me free mounts in for all the trouble av had and was even looking for a sun shade for me but didn't have any 44s thn end up buying a new lil knife aswell so quite impressed with the hawke stuff
  13. For sum reason there sayin there's a great demand falcon 4-14x44 ffp and the all ready tryed egay shop they haven't got 1 so av emailed falcon thm selves
  14. Falcon 4-14x44 ffp and Mayfair shooting centre closest place to me wat deal in falcon scopes am bin waiting god nose how long want to get out driving me nuts in house so a think am just guna get a mamba lite for time being
  15. Sayin it's gonna be January for me scope think am just gunna buy a a mamba lite up in till then fuming not the word
  16. What's very worrying up your neck of the woods Bolio is that a well know anti has advised the police that those that participate in lamping need cocaine to keep them going on a nights lamping. If the police are stupid enough to believe this bullshit they'll not only be stopping lads for trespass but searching them for drugs too.This well known anti knows how much time will be wasted by police but it will get plenty of lads stopped. It called have a few hours kipp 2 cans red bull keep yah going lol
  17. Same happind to us the police said thy wouldn't of came out just tht the keeper says we had firearms so they had to cum out
  18. Cheers blade sicker chasing the shop up about me scope they said beginning to middle of November for my scope just wana get out and show me brother and dad how it done pcp style lol bro just got the 97kt and dad went from his deer stalking with 308 and 243 to a pro sport lol they say pcp shit so soon as ah get scope getting zero and geared up and show them how it's done lol after a few beers three of us be mucked into it haha
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