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About jw74

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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    sunny cornwall

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  1. I had the rowan mag conversion on my s400.it was the best thing I bought for it.brilliant!
  2. I've got one in .22 and it was spot on before a tune.now its had the internals polished etc and a delrin spring guide its awesome! It'll put pellets through the same hole every time.I never thought I'd say it but its as accurate as my s400!they're quite heavy until you're used to it but I've put a sling on mine.I absolutely love this rifle.jw
  3. I'd say BSA scorpion t10.cracking bit of kit and really light,very similar to an ultra but higher shot count.
  4. I've got the 97kt and had it tuned locally.what a bit of kit! It'll put pellets through the same hole every time.you can buy a kit and fit it yourself its dead easy.
  5. I've shot a good few mint Imperials and tictacs! Never thought of shooting at a roast tho ha.
  6. I found that with .177 (precharged)jsbs tended to over penetrate.so I changed to hw magnums at 10.4 grns they grouped very well,and really hit the rabbits hard!
  7. Your arm will stop shaking after you get used to it.its just practice! Good luck with it! Jw
  8. I can agree with that! I had one on my s400,it was brilliant but now I've gone back to a springer i have realised how much I relied on it.
  9. It'll do the job nicely! My boy has one in .22 also and he's only 8 and can hit a 1p sized spinner at 30yds with it.I've had experience with 5 smk 19s and they all shot rws superdomes perfectly! A lot of people turn their noses up at smk,but the 19s are in my opinion really good for the money.atb jw
  10. My boy is 9 In a couple of weeks.and he started shooting at age 6.I was very apprehensive at first.but he took to it like a duck to water! He wants to come rabbiting with me and he's nearly ready. He has to hit a 5p 9 shots out of 10.he can hit the 1p sized spinner at 30yds.and is having a new rifle for Xmas.so by spring we'll be hunting together.I can't wait!
  11. Whichever your rifle groups best with.Its more about accuracy then pellet type.if you hit it in the sweet spot then goodnight!
  12. Very nice gesture sir! I am sorted for a scope and don't qualify as a youngster any more,but I'm sure they would be well appreciated by someone.
  13. He looks well happy! I spend a lot of time out shooting with my 8yr old.and I thinks its absolutely brilliant spending quality time together and out in the fresh air of the countryside priceless!
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