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Everything posted by Stormspiel

  1. I've got 2 8-shot magazines for this if your interested? Can have them both for £17.50 posted? (£19.99 each on fleabay) No good to me as i've got AA S200
  2. There's Redfearn's just off the M1 near barnsley. Not In sheffield i know but not a million miles either if you drive.
  3. Recieved an email from Chris and he's said that the Combro's had it but he's sending out a brand spanker for the £7.50 repair fee Again bloody awesome company
  4. Is that true though? I've had this discussion with my dad before and we kind of agreed. If the gun is in a bag and has a full magazine loaded into it but no pellet in the breech then is it ready to fire?? Unless the pull of the trigger simultaneously loads a pellet and fires it (ala double action revolvers) then pulling the trigger will do nothing and it is therfore "safe"?? Or is it? My S200 magazine means i have to cycle a full mag to eject it, Now this means either firing off 10 shots (with a gun that'll only do 50ish) at the floor or chambering 10 pellets and decocking the bolt
  5. Got an email back from Combro and been told sent it FREEPOST and include a £7.50!!!! cheque and all damage will be repaired, chrono calibrated and returned. Top company methinks
  6. When I say lodged in the back, it went through the case and split into about 10 fragments inside after hitting the circuit board and tearing a small piece off it :/ I've sent an email to Combro so hopefully it's fixable. No chance I could do it though, far too small for my soldering skill level
  7. So after spending about 4 hours stripping and sorting my old supersport I thought id see what the old girl was pushing. Fastened the combro on and first shot she kicked like a mule, the combro jumped up and now has a pellet lodged in the back end. After opening the case its bust the rear LED and photodiode and a tiny part of the board. My question now then is this, is it junk or has anyone had theirs repaired? I've seen combro's website offers spares but the repairs section isn't working and there's no board as a spare part.
  8. Again it depends what model it is fella but Weihrauch as an average are accurate and well built. As long as it's been looked after then it should be a good gun and worlds apart from your SMK. My only personal experience with weihrauch was my dads HW35 and that was a solid workhorse if a little on the heavy side.
  9. First bet would be to find out what model it is, Weihrauch do more than one break barrel .22 buddy and they're vastly different price ranges and quality etc. have a look here and figure out which yours is. People might be able to help you out a bit more then fella
  10. Redbeck guns near wakefield are doing them for £65 without mounts. I've got these on my S200 and brothers got them on his R-10. Great scope for the money and well up to the task of air rifl shooting.
  11. Mine was a bit of a bugger and decided it wanted to eat the loading bolt O-ring every 5th shot or so for a day. Managed to get a pack of 50 from ebay (3mm ID 1mm C/S) for £2.90 and spent an afternoon fine tuning with the adjustment screw. Now it's smooth as you like and hasn't munched a seal in 400 ish shots. Still gonna change it every 500 or so for peace of mind. Was told a spot of lube (i'm using paintball marker oil because i had it handy) in every pellet hole every now and again and then some pellet lube helps reduce snags aswell.
  12. Most of my birds get split between next doors ferrets & Harris hawk. Any birds with a clean head shot go to the Hawk (lob the head off) and the ferrets get the heart/lung shot stuff. Rabbits go in the pot .
  13. I've got jack pyke neoprene a and I'm well happy with them. Went out the other night in -1C for a few hour and hands were toasty. Waterproof aswell so the snow had no effect whatsoever. Little finger slips for trigger finger means you can just pop it out to fire and back in easily. Only downside I'd say is loading a mag up is a bit tricky but could be solved by putting a slit in the thumb same as trigger finger. You can't complain for £18 though really
  14. I've got a combro chronograph and its brilliant for my AA S200 but for some reason won't read on my old BSA supersport. Not sure if its the recoil or what but it just comes up 'bad' every shot.
  15. Just bought an S200 with a 10 shot mag and there was about half a tin of these in with it. They're accurate enough but didn't like the magazine, they seem 'stubby' and had to be poked into place with a hair clip. Started using AA Diabolo Field and they fit much better and give just as good groupings if not better.
  16. Hi there people. Thought i,'d introduce myself, my dads been on here a while (can't remember his username but sure he'll find me, its robbo???????) and has been taking me hunting since I was about 10. Got my first springer about age 12 and have just got back into it and bought myself an AA S200. Probably wont stay stanard long as I have to mess with everything
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