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Blind Hawk

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Everything posted by Blind Hawk

  1. breed from your jill only if its a good worker ...... to stopt her coming into season you could get an injection for her from the vet
  2. Often wondered about that cross ???
  3. Best of luck......... hope all goes well n the bitch does a good job on rearing them
  4. some looking dog ,,,,,,is that a whippit you got there as well with you
  5. Cracken looking dog.......i can see he likes his comfort as well. making himself right at home
  6. Nice one keep him interested..,,,,,,,lovely little dog
  7. This is my pup .making herself at home
  8. Ist Class Going to try an get a picture of my pup up
  9. First class...... I will have to get her going
  10. Yeah I was thinking as much ,No mistake .going to get her out with rest of the dogs let her off
  11. No mistake about it .they are class pictures .........an dogs
  12. No worry there mate my 3 best workers live indoors How are they with the rest of the family ?Does it make them more aggressive ?
  13. cant see doing it any harm getting it out bushing,mine had a great nose and putting plenty rabbits in front of it was soon crashing any cover to get on them,never caught he was to big but if it was in there,no matter what,it was coming out,pet or not he gonna need exercise and i cant think of a better way Good idea .....as long as it wouldent make her any way aggressive........
  14. Change in plan pup spent night inside by the fire .... .Family fell in love with her. She going to be kept inside as a house pet No hunting for this one ................
  15. Nice pack there lad......... great mix........Hunt on........
  16. Hi wouldnt use the salt water myself Get small tube of eye ointment across the counter in your local chemist only a couple of quid .As for bathing cooled boiled water .with a tea bag .......tea bag .,,,yes it works .Hope it comes ok
  17. Just bought a staffy pup bitch 4 months old, little beauty .Hope to get her going in the field .Anyone working staffs? ,read an article on home page they seem to hunt ok ......Any advice appricated
  18. Whippet is the dog that does the trick for me
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