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Everything posted by Conrad94

  1. al be making sure its not coming back;)

    1. Outlaw Pete

      Outlaw Pete

      You married my ex wife?

    2. Conrad94


      under the floor boards

  2. Cant wait for the Ultra to come for somemore wabbit wacking

    1. scothunter


      they might whack you back lol

  3. sorry for the slow replys been busy latley thanks for the welcomes lads! -Connor
  4. sorry for the slow reply lads cheers for the advice this forum is cracking! just orderd my self a bsa ultra .177 with the tatical stock, 4 stage pump just untill i get my self a job. thanks for all the advice lads! -Connor
  5. yeah i got confused its pcp i know that and i think im gunna take his offer of his gun and 400 pound
  6. been offerd a weihrauch hw100 c02 with a swap for my dirt bike can anyone tell me if these rifles are anygood?
  7. alright lads, dont know about you two but its lovley weather so am off out to make a hide hahaha and thanks for the welcome
  8. cheers for the advice fry and villaman could you pm me a link and is they pictures on that forum mate
  9. thanks marty, ill have a look for some gunna have a walk up to this gun shop with the dog, see what hes got ive got an idea what i am looking for now its just the pump that gets me but its a one off payment unless it nacks cheers
  10. are the air arms s400 super hunters any good mate?
  11. im wanting with a pump includedsince am on a budget the pumps as you should know are around a extra 150 on topbut still send me a pic matey
  12. Hello matey, i know about some spring powerd rifles but a dare say mine isnt one of those i think it cost a great exspence of £ haha im stuck between a rock and a hard place from what ive read c02 rifles arnt that good due to temputure can effect performance
  13. Hello thanks for looking, im looking to upgrade to a better gun im kinda new to air rifle hunting but sick of my crappy spring rifle that ive had since i was a kid, i do day and night shooting (with lamp) and had some supprisinly good shots even with a crappy spring had a 17 yard shot just tonight with the lamp dropping just short by a inch or so but thats with no scope on the rifle but i can use sight, but i know i cant really hunt with a such ill powerd rifle so where i am stuck is im on a sort budgetof around 400-500 pound as i am un-employed but i dont claim jsa not a dole hugger make my o
  14. Hello all, My names Connor (Conrad is a nick name) from Durham in the north-east England, thought i would drop by and make this post for two reasons to say hello and lets you all know abit about my self: im 18 from durham, always up for a laugh and down to earth for my age, been through my bad points but turned a new leaf over in my life, im kinda new to hunting with the air rifle and from what hunting ive done with the crappy rifle ive got even tho its rubbish its really good, so post and say hello and im sorry if ive put my life sort if it seems that just not very good with saying hello
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