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Tommy pepper

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Everything posted by Tommy pepper

  1. I had a father jump on his daughter 10 weeks ago I was absolutley gutted that I had took my eye of them for 2 seconds whilst feeding them and thought I had let myself and the young bitch down if she was in pup (I proper went under over this lol ) as she is only just over 2 years and no way near a working terrier yet then 3 weeks later kids kicked a ball in the garden and let the father out he was missing I felt sick had a gut feeling I whuldent get him back I was wishing so much that the bitch was in pup so I had somthing to go on with next day the male found his way home and it turns out t
  2. I Whuld love to go digging in Russia and Poland me bet its awesome there
  3. That's not a dig or nothin I got a dog and 2 bitches don't want to keep more than I have to, not intrested in sellin pups just keeping what I got going and bettering it along the years was under the impression I whuld have to use out crosses after a bit, how many dogs do you need to keep a strain going
  4. You think it's possible to go for a lifetime without going anywere else of 3 dogs stig ?
  5. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=x97BxYCldDo&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dx97BxYCldDo Proper singing famlie
  6. Nice one ime looking to go a good few times this season my self ;-)
  7. What country's have you dug in before with your dogs and how did you find them what did you like about it ?
  8. Tasted the same as the carp but it had been stewed together so culdent really tell them apart it's a top country hungary had some good times ther the people are really nice and the digging is second to none ther
  9. Stewie I had exactly the same meal when in Hungary in April cooked same way on a tripod in a couldren over a fire carp and catfish brought fresh from the lake in a bucket and it was delicious
  10. Mayweather is the most cleaver fighter ther is I think he will out box him and take a points victory or stop him if he gets a chance only if he gets a chance
  11. What's a jagd made up of lakeland fox terrier and staff ??
  12. Haha a fool and his money are easily parted I agree if that was the case I whuld of just gone ahead and bought it with out enquering and the watch is advertized as the real the real deal hence the price its a grand cheeper online than in the shops local to me I just wanned to make sure my arse was coverd as I prefere cash deals face to face not into the internet buying but sadley a lot of the best deals are on the internet these days
  13. Fuk nows lads as I say was a few years ago can't remember the details fully only I never ended up getting it myself sure it was cos I never had a box if the covers only 25 quid I get it sent in soon as I got time I got spare ones anyway so no big rush
  14. Thanks for that info tiercel
  15. Is it a definitely that fox tails ?
  16. Yea no gifts a proper PayPal transaction. A gift voids any refund
  17. Ok if I was to buy a item of a website and pay threw PayPal and my item turned out to be fake but sold as real we're do I Stand about getting my money back ? Never really spent money on PayPal the biggest item being a knife of this site and it went smooth I been looking at a new watch but it's a bit more than I am comfy losing so would like to go into it with my eyes open has anyone ever had a problem along these lines ???
  18. the weather don't have that much of a impact over here to me in hungary you can dig in your boxer shorts it's that hot lol and dont have problem finding quarry to ground
  19. Done the same yesterday bitchie ready to go
  20. As title says when you starting back at it I started taking mine out on the bike last 2 weeks get em extra fit gonna make a start back this month wanna have a big season this year
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