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Tommy pepper

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Everything posted by Tommy pepper

  1. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=z1xjYmjKFG0
  2. Don't touch my tit then she says
  3. It wasent the piss bucket was it ?
  4. Maybe the new law they was talking about dogs goin from uk to ire need a passport will stop a lot of this
  5. What was the point of it ? why whuld you want to no how game a dog was against a badger what looks like half the size of them terriers they were using ? Did they dig the strong dogs as they look very big to me? I don't agree with what ime about to say but back in them days when laws were slack whuldent the best way to see how game the dogs were whuld it not have been of been to match them against each other I don't understand it to be honest one proberly missing the point all togeather but it seems like a crule and pointless way to pass a Sunday to me I can't see the reason for it
  6. If it can happen why not whuld save lots of time on shite dogs clone the best you Eva had and keep it going
  7. Sure i lost à score one one of your previous tips haymin lol
  8. Eww That's f****n angin that pissin in a bucket in ya bedroom bet bit stinks in the morning scruffy fuckers
  9. I watched a shaw DVD ther was a clip of him when he was ov a decent age punchin a bag he chuld still. Bang lol
  10. A lot of lads convert for the food so the figures will never be accurate but it's deffinatley happening
  11. Ied put a offer in for the bacon
  12. We used to use some rubber ones called top ten I always hated head gere in sparing or fights as Sumone said u get caught with shots what push your head back witch whuld of glanced you with out them
  13. I mate of mine had 3 pups stolen out of his kennle a couple of weeks ago same area Reece
  14. that's so true been going on for a good few years that on jail
  15. The ball will never roll they cut of a soldiers head in the streets and nothing was done but the police shoot a a guy and the country gets burned and looted
  16. Absolutley spot on...he beat guys on there way down.....if he was fighting 10 years earlier he wouldn't have made it past Europe....proficient against mediocre opposition and one of ,if not the dullest Heavyweight champion ever....wouldn't cross the road to watch him.I cant believe anybody would want to watch this,he was boring then and will be worse now rather spend £15 on a tin of paint and a brush....far more entertaining Lewis took step aside money from two champions,Holyfield and Tyson ,so they could feast on lesser oponents its hardly his fault they were past prime when he got them. B
  17. Lol he's a doorman in a city centre he been training all week for that fight
  18. I think a lot of doormen are bell ends and bullies but that went at him had a scrap and got nocked out seemed fair enough to me at least the other doorman never jumped in
  19. Bin to loads usually shite any half fit half decent boxer whuld wipe the floor with 85% of the ones I seen
  20. always fancied a dogtran cristian on Here had one for sale cheep I made arrangement for a mate in uk to collect it my mate missed appoinent he sold the box fair play it was a good price I thought fuk it I buy one of dogtran spoke to them made some arrangements and was waitin for a call back the call never come I rang back got the same again so contacted Cotswold kennles of here few got a ally checker plate one with a lockin box made to measure
  21. I think Kahn got a good tools to go against mayweather he got fast hands and long reach and can box going backwards I think he will do better than a lot of people who been up against him
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