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Tommy pepper

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Everything posted by Tommy pepper

  1. there one near my mums he swears hes special forces getting around on his mountin bike looking for trouble we was havin a barbacue one day and we heard a comotion in the bushes when we looked over the fence to see what it was it was that little cock he had slipped and landed on his back in the nettles lol
  2. what launguage is he speakin scottish ?
  3. the cold just hit over here to,,, all last week was to warm when out digging ended up down to the tshirt so today wore tshirt and a coat thinkin i be ok wat a mistake l was freezin all day apart from when we was on. funny how you forget the wet clothes, toes and frozen fingers when the terrier is doing its job its like the baying takes it all away lol
  4. send them back they fix it i broke one not the collars fault told them it wasent the collars fault and my warrenty was up on it and they fixed it for free ;-)
  5. think the penny droped with this one this week put in 3 good preformances at my mates place thanks for havin me pal
  6. sumone told me the jagds dont cross well with pats said hes done it a few times and never been happy and sumone else told me they cross really well with lakelands mayebe its cos they got lakeland in ther make up,,dose anyone no ther full make up? ive been told foxterrier bull terrier and lakeland terrier all kc types dunno how true it is whuld be good to no the truth http://www.easypetmd.com/doginfo/deutscher-jagdterrier found that plenty mention of fox terrier and a imported british terrier and also that theyctried lakey but it never worked lol
  7. 800 euro is 650 pound ( about ) i dont no to much about jagd terriers apart from you get big ones for ontop and smaller ones for below depending what country you buy them and what the lads do with them,, i only eva seen one go in hungary it put a awsum preformance in as good as any terrier i seen to date but on the other hand evry single person i no on the continent keeps black terriers and has tried jagd terriers
  8. perhaps a different career choice is needed, McDonald's perhaps as they give free shirts to all employees as well Fork that .............Prison is easier ,better payed and the food is better and no silly hat or badge with stars on Hey! Watch your tongue Paul lol I've passed my interviews at McDonalds with a view to start in a week or two ... beggars can't be choosers If there is a god you will get the job. I don't eat them but I know a Scottish lad that does. We will drive down just to abuse you..... Lol And i'll spit in your meals Got to take it as my current boss has
  9. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9GqudQzPUAw
  10. google it get a few phone numbers local to you and ring them up it dosent cost a arm and a leg also it can be done by your self if you no some one who deals in cows they can store it for you thers also a vid on you tube how to stimulate your male and extract seman so with a bit of resherch and a handy cow farmer it can be done for more or less nothing
  11. its on that same site as the shovle i try put a link up for you http://www.wwmfg.com/default.asp?contentID=1118
  12. andy ime five foot 10 with my boots on and dont have no problems using it they do a serious grafter aswell will chop threw anything organic
  13. good robust spade for tough ground got a nice bend on to so you dont spill much get a bit cold on the hands and get abit slippy when muddy and wet apart from that spot on will last a long time
  14. things are perfectly fine how they are over here lol
  15. i no one thing for sure religion dont pay the bills
  16. i think same as wm when the dogs corkscrewd up as close as it can be and cant move aswell as the lack of air the quarry has free reign to dish out as much punishment as it sees fit while the dog can do nothing atall we have also dug big sets were i chuld of crawled down the entrance holes but when we broke threw they been small and tight tubes and vica verca small entrances and broke threw to a cave i think a happy medium is needed for a allrounder not to big not to small not to hard not to soft
  17. depends what on but generally doubled up he wont put much effort in but will pretty much always be the dogs that picks up.is that a dominence thing you think ?
  18. suluki x mate not sure exactly it a handy little dog its only young you miss it when its not out
  19. got a call of a mate over weekend germany monday mornin work put on the shelf off we went :-) checked about 10 earths nothin home thought we was going to blank farmer said 2 more first one looked well used big rangey place dropped ma mates young brown bitch in went round and round for a bit and settled at 1.3 soft ground but loads of roots broke threw to her doin a good job made it look easy quarry dispatched tidyed up double checked the sett moved on last spot another big rangey place droped my youngest bitch in she was goin round and round we heard a cuple of bays mid tube but nothin solid [
  20. 10 times better than mendi and lowas best boots ive had to date
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