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Tommy pepper

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Everything posted by Tommy pepper

  1. Whats up with all these old guys on here haha
  2. U tell em lakeland dont take no shit lad good luck with the pup
  3. why they any good?Never seen one dug of what ive read on here and other pllaces he had alot to do with them in ireland
  4. i always thought winston churchill was black
  5. Bump some tidy dogs in this thread.
  6. http://www.vetrepro.co.uk/prices.html theres a link for anyone else who intrested no edited to add better link with prices
  7. i suppose you pays your money you takes your chances if it did work tho you whuld save unwanted breedings for your bitch and waiting 18 months to find out atleast you whuld no what you was getting each time suppose its a time vs money scenario
  8. are the chances about % bitchie have you ever done this /
  9. http://frozenhorses.com/ i imagen you get some type of flask with nitrogen in minus 196 they need to be kept at theres a yank site what dose it but theres places in uk what do it to
  10. has anyone ever took semen straws from ther earth dogs ? i been reading about this the last couple of days and of what i can see its a big advantage for the younger hunters who still have plenty of time left with ther dogs as i heard a few times of the older ones i wish i had that dog in my kennle now, or the good ones always die young or unexpectedly, i was thinking more along the lines if i make a mistake in the futre having my origonal blood to fall back on what i started with or a second chance so to speak and if i can do this then why not also i was wondering for talkings sake if i had
  11. nowt to do with me dtd 1 came from an idea i gave him he`s took it and run with it fair play and good luck to him -- but to deny the conversastion we had on here via pm beats me i`m hardly looking for any fame using a forum name .. am onlie messin around stig
  12. All the names of the lads going in the book are on countrywise am gonna get a copy me i heard stigs offering refunds to lads who arnt happy with it sein as it was his idear lol
  13. there full of shit and the sheep following her bullshit are just as bad some people need to wake the fuk upp
  14. How do any of you no this was done on purpose by a person i dont see no facts just some shit wrote by antis for all you no they chuld of done it there selvs afterall they have sprayed hounds eyes with acid what ever happend its a shame for the dog
  15. The thread starter also read dtd 2 while away and thought it was shite
  16. well i do hope he reads this -------------- you seem to have conveinently forgotten the conversasion we had via pm when you where a member of thl did you also not put a post up asking members for ideas for your next book or future books ? you also chose to ignore 2 messages i sent to your company one via email and the other via ebay when dtd came out ... i`m not really one for childish name calling nor do i find the need to lie think back a bit and be truthfull for yourself ........... i know and you know the conversasion we had and i`m happy with with my version of it you craic on and enjoy
  17. https://fbcdn-video-a.akamaihd.net/hvideo-ak-ash3/v/759946_10200850908858097_581941331_n.mp4?oh=99f191fb31f4133f9e6d65b65fc1e31a&oe=516E7E41&__gda__=1366220173_8f693211bf00a5f4c9b22824b090fb5d
  18. A freind of mine got a belting terrier of mr nuttall it was returned to him as a none worker at 15 months old Its going well now haha
  19. Wel stig haha not one to cause trouble but look what i come accross today. As the title suggests, I would like to put the record straight in regards to what a particular individual associated with Mr Darcy has posted on THL...I have tried to get on to do the job but my IP is blocked perminatly it seems...Anyway Stig did not or never will be the person that gave me ideas for writing Digging The Dirt or any book now or in the future...contrary to what he has posted. Apparently I stole his idea which to put the record straight is a load of rubbish fellas...remembering that I had alrea
  20. Dose a plummber have a better nose than a jagd terrier ?
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