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Tommy pepper

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Everything posted by Tommy pepper

  1. Get on the bigjimny fourum mate they answer your questions quick on ther orthey did think they had enough of me now tho lol
  2. Maybe cause boundary parks a fecking football ground Think you meen the royal Oldham , and it could be down to how serious he was as north mancs as a far better ICU hahaha yea royal oldham thats the one lol
  3. dont think so was in france that
  4. Wonder why they took him to north manchester hospital when boundry parks round the corner from glodwick
  5. My bitch got her arse kicked of one of these the other week ther teeth are like razorz
  6. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fbwOwGbV4Mg
  7. don't mean that i meant channel 5 has blocked the fight we can't see it, and ye he would definatly hammer me Lol me to
  8. Judge sounds like a pedo aswell giving sentances like that
  9. Bet he whuld hammer you tho lol
  10. What u guys think of him i think he looks good works behind his jab nice http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fbwOwGbV4Mg
  11. . Edited to fix your spelling mistake lol
  12. Got these lads to big for my standard jimny looking to down size gutted really as ther belters Will take 180 of a thl member going to bang them on ebay and gumtree for 225. Edited to say ther 235/75x15z and top tyres and alloys be perfect for sumone with a 2 inch lift
  13. Who do you think will win gnasher ?
  14. Ok the start of year 2000 is 12 oclock midnight new years eve , so 2000 seconds divide by 60 is 33 minites 33 seconds answer to question 1 is 33minites 33 seconds past 12 on the 1st of the 1st 2000 lol i think
  15. What about the second one
  16. Yea missed the first one me haha
  17. What time are they on at
  18. And he will be got at again stig plenty of screws in ther with kids who turn a blind eye or leave a door unlocked so they can get some just deserved
  19. I bet if creegan bumpet into huntley he whuld be the 5 th on his hit list
  20. Put it all on haye to beat fury lol
  21. Got a mate in france who hunts a teckal team he goes out evry weekend and gets 7 or 8 badgers with them regular with no locators not seen them in the flesh yet only pics but he gets a lot of quarry with them
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