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About GB437

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  1. Evening all, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhJ3gpF3OYo Not necessarily a hunting video but we moved house just before Christmas and I bought a wildlife cam which I've setup in the woodland at the back of my house so thought I'd share a link to one of the videos I've captured (Only one loaded on atm as it takes forever to load onto youtube). I've managed to get a lot of decent footage of Munties and also a Sika which came and snotted up the lens - I'll get that loaded too when I get chance. Plenty of bunnies and pigeons on show too which is always good to know they're there
  2. Evening All, I joined this site a few years ago after seeing an advert which I ended up buying my whippet from but haven't been back on since. After seeing a link earlier I thought I'd get back on and see what's happening as my missus is due to drop our first child on 1st April so it'll probably be the nearest thing I get to being out and about soon I've always had running dogs and labs growing up and my main interests are ferreting/rabbiting and just generally out mooching with the dogs. I've also recently bought a wildlife camera which I've setup in the small woodland at the back
  3. Any chance you could drop me an email with your number so I could see a pic please - can't send you a pm. GavB437@hotmail.co.uk. Thanks
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