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Everything posted by silentpoacher

  1. belive it or not i had a pup once that wouldnt walk pushed a broom infront of it chased the broom on the lead then one day just did it haha
  2. shes fine when in my hands or going into earth otherwise back flipping lol
  3. are these still avaliable mate? im in maidstone and interested
  4. well the mother to my pup the norfolk lurcher is ment to be proven on the long ears seen her on rabbits 10/10 regularly but would like to know what make the type up
  5. she cant be bored shes done it being with other ferrets goes out regularly i think shes just deranged lol
  6. have a gill ferret about a year old , whenever shes in her cage shes will not stop running up and down back flipping all sorts even when shes in a carry box shes the same as soon as in the open she calms down ??? anyone know whyy??
  7. beddywhippet x nolfork lurcher. sorry for bad quality 8month by the way
  8. can anybody tell me what breeds make this dog up and i have a pup from one that is cross with a beddyxwhippet and would just like to know
  9. can anybody tell me what breeds make this dog up and i have a pup from one that is cross with a beddyxwhippet and would just like to know
  10. whats everyone going to be doing now the ferreting season is out ? went out yeaterday for the last time and finding babys and fleas already! need to get another nights lamping in still though !!!!
  11. jake its jon i no the seasons nearly out but i got alot of land that needs doing why dont you come with me and jack??
  12. desperately want a gill ferret local to maidstone will even collect tonight !!!!!!!!!!!
  13. mines 3 month and can stomach anything she gets good dry meal isnt cheap raw meat see a butcher for scraps feed it raw? or cook it. ??
  14. I've brung my pup up on biscuits and was thinking i would be absolutely sick of eating dry shit! whats recommended and isn't to costly?? he's 7months old now so don't think theres much he cant stomach now.
  15. very sharp and tight bitch hows she bred and how old??
  16. im thinking about buying a whippet pup want a bitch really can anyone recommend a breeder or any planned litters ? (has to be a straight whippet)
  17. go out and do abit haha the man probaly a dreamer and never owned a dog in his life
  18. i wasnt to sure whether to let the ferret do it or not but i might give it a go
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