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Everything posted by steve2507

  1. I have plans already made for a trip or two to "places of interest" lol this forthcoming winter,really looking forward to it..having no one to answer to these days & my kids being self sufficient im able to do & go where i so choose Steve,there's nothing to keep me sat in these four walls..what i will say,is if anyone really wants to go explore what our Isles has to offer then my advice is go to Scotland!! You really do need to do it whilst your able,trust me it's a fantastic place!! I would rather visit places like that any day than go on holiday abroad and that's my plan whilst
  2. fingers crossed they should all make good I'll put the time and effort in with twix then on the it's up to him ?
  3. sounds like this twat but it ain't a whine it's more of a high pitched squeak , every time we stop for a break I can hear him , I'm hoping the summer spent fishing and what not might teach him some patience ?
  4. cheers mate I really like him there's a lot to iron out on him yet but he still a pup and plenty of time to work with him ?
  5. I'll be spending time with the pup camping/walking etc and just starting out fly fishing
  6. You put some miles in andy fair play and what a cracking place ?
  7. End of the season now and I'm actually looking forward to spending the summer bonding with the pup and just relaxing Tessa Twix Hope all have a good spring/summer ?
  8. hes a pleasure to own at the moment I'm really looking forward to spending the summer just getting him out n about bonding with him and getting him ready for next season to start ?
  9. Cheers lads I've really took a liking to him ?
  10. My pup twix bred ne coursers Tilly x arctic guns rocco , far end of 8 month old 26 tts and 24 kg I'm well happy with how he is coming on and turning out ? And the cheeky gets think they aren't doing wrong by sitting on the edge of the sofa lol
  11. And my mrs says me as she always says who in the right mind wakes up in the middle of the night to a wind howling gets excited , gets dressed and goes out with the dog in it well I just say to her any man/woman with a long dog and slip lead ?
  12. I must say Fuji he invited me and a pal over ,he said it would be lovely weather but FFs we encounted rain, wind and even watched a small tornado form , we crawled on our hands and knees up the side of a steep fell with gale force winds trying to push us off then hit the bottom of a cliff incline for him to say shall we go up well I thought no way am I letting this twat beat me and climbed it with him ,my pal stayed at the bottom and gave in the poor twat has done his knee in , afterwords I thought this crazy f****r does this daily fair play to the geezer for the love of dogs ??
  13. that your saluki pup rich ? Looking real well ? credit to you
  14. shes a nice bitch her frankel is there much difference to mario ?
  15. Got a nice wide chest on him though ne courser
  16. he's shaping up well mate how's the others doing ? litters coming on great mate had all good reports back from there owners, I'm chuffed with mine here's one of the bitches from the litter love the rough coat on her mate wish twixs was a little more dense he shivers like smack head on a cold turkey if we stop for a brew or fag the fanny lol
  17. Was talking about selling of pups and adult dogs to my mrs earlier the amount of shite about and shite getting bred that it makes it hard unless you know the dogs getting bred . My mrs made a point and said will this microchipping law make it harder for the idiots breeding shite to make a quick quid ??? What do you all think ?
  18. he's shaping up well mate how's the others doing ?
  19. Cracking stuff love a dog to do feather ?
  20. cheers flako I'd like to say he smart in the head but to be honest I think someone forgot to give him a brain lol
  21. She was 4 1/2 month old on there. This pic is when she was 5 month. 23 inch lovely bitch her mate she's looking real well ?
  22. Hopefully this lunatic will be ready for next season he's very immature at 7 month which I expect but can't see him been ready so season after maybe lol
  23. Can't go wrong with this type they seem to have this endless want for pleasing you by dropping what ever you allow them to run . I've just put a pic of mine on another thread ... Saluki/bull/whip/grey x coursing bred dog
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