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Everything posted by steve2507

  1. Grounds bell metal and these are like coiled springs Have a good season folks ??
  2. Ticked boxes always go out the window with me and my gut feeling goes forward , I don't think I would be able to settle if I went against my gut feeling . I'm sure you will go with what seems right for you atvb in choosing socks ?
  3. cheers for that rich I've just let him be a pup not pushed anything onto him his recall is % and the rest just comes with him doing what he does and that's him just out walking with me and building a bond with every step , I really like the dog and him and tessa get on great so everything is going well only time will tell come winter ?
  4. ive scorched my bollicks out today in poly tunnels and all that kept me going was the thought of winter and you just put a right dampner on it you miserable sod ??? can't wait though really can you mate I can't I fooking hate summer ???
  5. yes mate saluki bull grey x coursing dog ?
  6. Cheers lads tessa has proved she got what I need from a dog now it's twixs turn only time will tell ?
  7. Twix 11 month today Tessa coming up 4 and has over whelmed me in the 4 years no reverse gear real full on bitch Can't wait for this season to have them both by my side in the field ?
  8. Both cracking dogs mate , that gypsy ain't half came on and looking great ?
  9. cheers bud , just getting ready to take them for a mooch , bit late setting off today to many shandys last night have done me in lol , I can't handle the drink anymore ?
  10. Twix n tessa these two are constantly like this if we ain't out mooching it's a costant battle luckily tempers never flare ? Atb Steve
  11. Cheers lads , I like him a lot he's still a daft gangly pup at times never seen him really put effort into his running although he races past my older bitch tessa but everything is a big game to him still , can see him been a long time maturing
  12. Not sure if your on about me but this is twix he's red n white 10 month now standing over 27 tts He's been a pleasure to own as a pup and all going well so far Cheers Steve ?
  13. Lovely chunky pup that mate just how they should be at that age ?
  14. that red n white rough bitch is a belter mate , yours is shaping up well too mate ?
  15. Should be more than capable mate..the breedings there,all you can do is put the gear in front of him. Double post
  16. Should be more than capable mate..the breedings there,all you can do is put the gear in front of himmy thoughts exactly mate , all I can do is put the gear in front of him then it's up to him ?
  17. thanks andy he has been a pleasure really settled down and found his feet now ?
  18. Cheers mate , he's just over 27 tts he's out of ne coursers bitch Tilly who was full saluki( Jackson ) x saluiki lurcher and his sire is arcticguns rocco (buddy x roxy )
  19. This pup twix coming 10 months next week and has been such a pleasure to own upto now he is so laid back when out and about can be a pain in the arse to my bitch but I think she enjoys the attention half the time , just hope he stays this way Only time will tell now atb Steve.
  20. Cracking pics andy that pup is just getting more of a lump each time ?
  21. My bitch is 4 this year and still fooks me about even to the point of acknowledgment then keeps her distance to about 30 yards just comes out the blue with her , she can be spot on for months then has this way of saying nah can't be arsed with you today ?
  22. Dogs look well pal ? been a cracking day for it
  23. Looking top dollar andy and frankel mate , good day for it today suns been beaming .
  24. There was a few guys fishing over on the beach today,not sure what for mind you lol,I've never been into fishing bud but I'm seriously thinking of getting myself a bit of kit to go fishing the lochs up Scotland,will be good craic I reckon a few beers,tent,dog a stove what more does a fella want lollike I said the other week that's my plan this summer andy , got my self a travel rod and kit first expedition is end of month . That pup is looking awesome pal you will have some team in a couple years time with boots and mario plus gypsy ?
  25. I don't mind BUT!!! Make sure they have the right info on the chip . I took my 9 month pup to get done and also took my older bitch tessa to check her chip info and I'm glad I did as it came back that she was a chihuahua from a rescue centre ???? My chihuahua lol
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