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Everything posted by arthur

  1. :welcome: i wouldnt go telling everyone that grovesy hello and :welcome: :welcome: OF THE FEATHERED KIND
  2. dont do birds mate but sure someone will be able to help :welcomeani: :welcomeani:
  3. totally agree, good articles written by genuine people, just dont always get good lookers on the front page
  4. i see the rabbit, if you look at it sideways you can see a kite surfer dude
  5. ahh gingism. let me see if i can change the subject by telling you how ginger people are closer to god than all you dark haired people. my hair is the colour of the sun and without the sun everything on this earth would die. your hair is the colour of sh1t. you get diseases from it , you flush it away because no-one wants to see it and it smells :stinker: . hence it is obvious to me that we, ginger people, are gods chosen ones . all you dark haired peeps out there think on that one just thought i had btter add that i am not religious in any way,its just a j
  6. i hope you wash your mouth out when you are finished :sick:
  7. 3yrs is a fair bit of dedication. did you now what you wanted and just kept trying to get it or did you just come up with the idea after looking at all your footage?
  8. i can definetly say it wont help with that as my great dane boy farts for britain every night
  9. i raise them up for the taller dogs. easier for them but stops gut twisting when they fill up with water in there throats then stand up and swallow.
  10. arthur


    What so it can savage the songbirds and there nestlings Mate dont get a fooking cat ahh, cat hater my cats kill uncountable amounts of mice so that i dont have any in the house. the odd rat and loads of rabbits. infact they have a better count than my two pups at the mo
  11. and you wonder why not many people will play with him
  12. that second pic makes him look real evil nice dog though
  13. hes a strong looking dog hope he is everything you want
  14. well done you got some damn good footage there
  15. try this http://www.ferretcouture.co.uk/mainindex.asp
  16. i think that wimbledon rules keeping the little white skirts are great
  17. gutted for you mate. hope it all works out
  18. arthur

    Clover nell

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