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Everything posted by Mixedgrill

  1. Peter there is no intention of starting anything chum on such a topic As for the gobshite have respect chum
  2. I wasn't going to comment on this Neil but me two mate's was out today for a shot as it was the last day of the season for them and they bummed into a chap in ardee who knew you, they got chatting about dogs and yourself and he said this doubling dogs up is a regular thing with you and the brown dog yea keep aren't up til much ,,,only saying chum
  3. That's it I'm not buying another English reg car again you just never know the history?? Clocking,hare coursing whatever will be next
  4. There's nothing worse than some tramp backtracking makes me flop dirt birds
  5. They wouldn't give me the loan so rule me out
  6. Do I get the brand new locator collar with her
  7. I'm going down to the dole for crisis loan hold it for me bardus
  8. Who is pussy? Anyone know the cxxt who wont put his dog in a 12ft plus you must have been there at the time?can'https://www.donedeal.co.uk/dogs-for-sale/irish-soft-coated-wheaten-pups-working-strain/10865242t say i blame him really who wants to dig 12ft plus so why call him a c***t?Cooney would've gave his dog an hour before he dug it, right or wrong Neil ?
  9. Go on Mixed Grill, explain to everyone on here why an hour is not unusual to wait in a big place (which is what I said in a post months ago, but Goat keeps bringing up) before starting to dig to your terrier.Now, I would appreciate good advice because I'm always willing to learn and still am. So Mixed Grill, tell us, why is it bullshit to give a terrier maybe an hour in a big place to settle. Educate us please. Can your terriers do an hour before hearing the shovels coming ? Tell us. NO
  10. An hour???? I think your taking out your hoop Neil
  11. I don't know why your explaining yourself to everyone zilverhaze,What I will say is keep your pictures private and don't put them on here or Facebook or any other site but feel free to put some up of your misses lol
  12. well not really, if the secret is about how to create a given stamp of animal,(ie working terrier)science says its got to be about genetics and selection of the most suitable selection of animals for breeding, and the techniques employed in trying to achieve this ie inbreeding, linebreeding , selection of outcross blood if needed etc, ( and of course while adding (apparently) unsuitable blood has the chance of adding unsuitable genes, it can also add sometimes hidden suitable ones). but as just about everyone knows, like does tend to breed like, darwin taught us that over 100 yrs ago.however,
  13. your not being hard on Lee lets face it there no such thing as a 2 hour dog either the dog has it or it don't? I understand what Lee is on about but the 2 hour dog is as good as a ten minute dog and dare I say it,it's only as good as it's last hunt
  14. Nothing would surprise me.I went into a lads yard a few years back with another lad. There was two brown pups in a pen. I asked who bred them. He said Neil Cooney. talk about blown your own cock
  15. neil ,i think your mind is made up on the ebt ,it wont be changed. I respect your opnion.All im sayin is there was plenty of terriers down here and still are with that breed in them and they were and are good dogs. when you say that family of terrier i dont know what you mean ? Theres not just one strain of white terrier in cork . Are all those cork white dogs sounders? no. And do they all make the grade? no they dont ,but do all paterdales make the grade? Im not one for reading up on the science of breeding dogs neil but you asked me what can the bull add to a terrier? In my opinion,fir
  16. I heard anything he has is not worth tuppence white or black
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