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Everything posted by Mixedgrill

  1. At least her tit is out more than Neil lol
  2. And he will be back is right so remove all the dead chickens away so that the only bit of food available is the bait in your trap.They're killing b*****ds and for those who say they go into a pen and get all excited they are talking bullshit because the six I lost were in three different pens and the mink only ate one head. could have been a Fox you had Neil??
  3. I'm heading down this year again can't wait to bump into the main man himself
  4. LOL, being the bad f****r that I am if I was driving that truck I'd have to visit my local McDonalds Drive Thru for a laugh. Either that or park it outside a Chinese restaurant.why ??? They on the menu in the south ( TRAMP ) I thought you'd be more of a chicken man
  5. Good to see yea back chum them nice dog's Tommy they sk bred ?? what about Marcy is he still selling dog's with bum pedigrees to England lol
  6. every dog thief should be named and shamed booth wasn't going into mens yards and taking the dog's himself its his runners need taking out if anyone knows of anyone at it or well-known dog men being the fence get the fuuking names up rant over
  7. It's American who gives a fuuk about what they do to a rat See mr paranoid heads away thinking everyone on here is the same person hahaha
  8. Wats craic with darcy mate? We aint besty's by far, but i have met an hunted with darcy an he seems a good guy, bit gay but one a the good guys, i could be wrong tho i was once before haha i aint sticking up for nobody or that here for the record, just bein nosey haha brown nose haha
  9. he'd wake up thinking he was surrounded not much difference between us Neil is there
  10. he'd wake up thinking he was surrounded
  11. you call yourself a real terrier man Real terrier men don't double up dog's Now please leave the tread alone grumpy middle-aged wannabe terrier man So thats a yes haha He actually making himself look very stupid I am don't tell no one
  12. you call yourself a real terrier man Real terrier men don't double up dog's Now please leave the tread alone grumpy middle-aged wannabe terrier man So thats a yes haha lol jm not seen you yet
  13. you call yourself a real terrier man Real terrier men don't double up dog's Now please leave the tread alone grumpy middle-aged wannabe terrier man
  14. it'll be I can't tell the truth Cooney Hands up anyone who's actually been caught telling lies on here, then admitted it and then apologised ? Is your hand up Mixedgrill ? I'm surprised with you taking the piss out of Bluck because your buddy, The Canary, seems to think Bluck is a bit of a somebody. Then again, birds of a feather. is no lies Neil you openly admitted you doubled up your dog's on here My apologies were for ringpull and his mate not you If you've nothing to add to this thread do one
  15. it'll be I can't tell the truth Cooney
  16. No they said nobody likes me if I invite you you'll know who I am hahaha
  17. I'm back on it cock Aye they all on there saying you a cock
  18. I can't get on it must be removed
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