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Everything posted by Mixedgrill

  1. If it wasn't for bad luck some of us would have no luck at all... If its all about luck there's a lot of lucky terriers about
  2. what you think I'm breeding dogs for KFC
  3. I was taken down because of an argument I think
  4. I think every red coat are wankers even the ones in Butlins they'd all stick in yee when your backs turned
  5. It's like being in the house ffs grow up woman
  6. I get what your saying chum but in your statement you said experienced terriers can get out witted once or twice in their careers... if they don't get there game chum that puts them in the same category as my dog.. you've contradicted yourself buddy
  7. May have to do that I'm running out of dogs
  8. Dogs would put your head away chum ..yeah he's still very keep I pushed him a bit coming to the end of the season and he went well
  9. Terrier Coming away id make no mistake
  10. 3 time and showing himself on 2 occasions
  11. Tell me about it. this only started this season and I was for lining a bitch with him now I can't bring myself to to do it
  12. When experienced dog or bitch make mistakes ie. Losing game on the odd occasion and finding it hard to being able to correct it do you turn a blind eye to it and keep them at it or do you draw the line.... It's happening with one I have here with the season well and truly over I'm starting to think about it ...he's a fair dog with a lot of hunting over him but a mistake is a mistake.. out of interest how many lads would crack on and forget about it and put it down to knowing what they have
  13. I was reading theses posts out to my terrier he looked up at me and said they're all a bunch of spoofin cuuts dogs can't do any of that stuff
  14. No hard feelings here chum it's the internet yea got a love it
  15. All the money in the world couldn't buy your imaginary terriers bet every time you take a drink your dogs get better and better.. small talk howdeep heard it all before
  16. Stop digging your dogs out of foot deep earths give them time and stop digging over them like a a jcb you'll see them getting punished ffs grow up dreamer
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