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Jay Lurcher Mad Foster

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About Jay Lurcher Mad Foster

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Is that the one that looks like its been burnt? Think it was on Newport road?
  2. Knacker it out lad. It's obviously got too much energy and bored.
  3. I would do it but I'm using a mobile device. If I can work out how to, I'll chuck the clips up.
  4. Don't happen to know how 'Molly' was bred? And how old will 'Bonnie' be now lad? Thanks for the info so far. Atb.
  5. Smart. Hope she serves you well.
  6. Alright lads. Still a bit of a newbie on here :-) Just watched this bitch run on YouTube when she was a pup. What a pup she was! Made light work out of a few of them longears. How did she turn out? How was she bred? Dam? Sire? Etc. Brilliant footage. Be good to see more of her if there are anymore links. Cheers lads. Atb jay.
  7. Is there any bull? And who are you mate? Are you 'GL'? And yeah got a bit of info off 'KR' after lad. Ghost is a few years back lad in he, is he on the dams side? Can you send a pic of the sister please mate?
  8. Does he work his dogs? Have they worked?
  9. Hiya guys. Just recently bought a pup coming from these lines. Was wondering if this was the right place to come for some info on these dogs and maybe some photos? I'm using a mobile device at the moment but as soon as I work out how to upload a photo I will. Thanks guys, Atb, jay.
  10. I'm new to this site, so just thought I'd add a suggestion... Why don't you sticky a topic on strong stuff collars as I've noticed this topic come up at least once a week ;-)
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