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Everything posted by Groverdog

  1. Have a Disco 1995 used off road daily as well as on road and its poorly. Shuddering and lots of vibration at 30 & 50mph. Loud creaking/knocking noise if i decelerate except when i depress the clutch. Have looked at prop shaft and wheels but seems to be ok there. Partner will look at Saturday but just wondered if anyone here would have any ideas just so i can impress him with my landy knowledge
  2. Groverdog


    BAST*RDS!!!! Hope some local boys find them and make sure they inderstand where they went wrong. OK dog maybe shouldny be out wandering but not the dogs fault and boy would i like to get my hands on those
  3. Aloe Vera gel is supposed to be good. Or you can get antihistamin cream which as far as i know wont interfere with the ole drinking regime. And to prevent it from happening again isnt that Avon Skin So Soft range supposed to be good stops em biting?
  4. Could you wear a red carnation so i can spot you and watch you at work in the ring to glean some hints What exactly are the judges looking for?
  5. Going to Glamis and would maybe like to enter the pups at the show.(more for socialising and experience not expecting them to win anything be nice tho!) Born in April. I have a few questions hope someone can answer them for me. 1/ Are they too young for the puppy class @ 4mths If so what age do they have to be. 2/ They are JRT X Lakeland/Patterdale what puppy class would that be? 3/ They are quite good on the lead and took them to Moy and to a Lorry show at Ingliston for without any trouble but not sure if you have to have them on a different type of lead or anything. Silly
  6. Ive got barbed wire round the horses field thankfully theyve never had any bother with it. When i was a nipper i was once told (no idea if its true or not) that barbed wire was better than plain because horses & cows more likely to see it and there fore less likely to run through it??? Bugger of stuff to get over on shoot days tho being a short arse!
  7. Some of you might have read my post about the rural road rage on our single track road. well yep shouldnt have lost my temper cos things always happen in 3's right. 1st tw*t not pulling over 2nd on way home from scrappies on saturday partner (who has towed trailers since he could drive) reversed trailer to let someone pass on that road jacknifed it and its done a fair bit of damage to my bveloved Disco. 3rd (worst one) returning from shop for sunday papers last bit of the road before the track and only doing about 20mph myself cos it was busy with tourists a JRT ran out onto road
  8. Dont think the average joe gives a toss to be honest, after all as long as they have there cheap shi*e beef from Brazil in the supermarkets there happy. I work in the beef industry and live on a farm and this week has been a nightmare. Started killing on Wednesday but i guess the restrictions will be back in force if this case is confirmed. The Farmer whose livestock was destroyed yesterday was being interviewed on telly this morning and his face was one of pure devastation a grown man brought to his knees. Couldnt help but cry too for him.
  9. The nice policeman i spoke to phoned last night to say hed rung said tw*t and informed him that it was the decent thing to do to pull over for someone. The guy was apologetic although he did say i was aggressive (him 5'11" ish me 5'2" and 8stone mmm me thinks i scared him). Anyway, the copper explained that while its not against the law not to pull over if that driver causes an accident or impedes emergency vehicles then it becomes an offence. Police also advised me to ring Council and request a sign advising drivers to use passing places to allow overtaking.
  10. Wierdo eccentric here! Im not very good at putting thoughts into words but what i was thinking was that if all factors are removed that have given that particular animal reasons for it to be built the way it is would it evolve into a different shape eventually. I would like to visit earth for a while in a thousand years just to see whats happened
  11. It wasnt the fact they didnt move over that got me it was the comment about not giving a f*ck if i was a vet or midwife etc. Hope one day they dont have an emergency and someone stops them getting to someone/somewhere quickly. Like you ferret15 we get it every day just this i snapped and i am afraid i did lose my temper. Also stopped people recently in a car who were chucking rubbish (including glass bottles) out of the window. Told them that bottles can cause fires but they just shrugged. Time to get the Kalms out me thinks!!!
  12. Probably hormanal. Partner picked me up from work and started to drive home. Live down a 6mile single track road. T*at in front doing 20/25 miles an hour for 2 miles. Partner flashed lights to get him to pull into passing place and let us by (safely do 40/45 if you know the road) T*at slammed on brakes got out and started hurling abuse. Partner explained it was common courtisy to pull over for cars behind on rural roads if they wanted past. T*at told us to f*uk off. Got back in motor and drove the rest of the way going even slower. Partner got out at end if road and tried to explain to guy it
  13. The Red Deer Stag. Especially during the rut in all their glory. Love em so much had one tattooed on my back.
  14. Herse where i expose myself as the eccentric i am Hares for example: Long powerful hind legs/Eyes that see all around them/large ears for hearing the slighest noise all in all built for the chase and ability to jinx to evade capture. In Britain there are few predators of hares that require them to use what nature gave them to escape except for Eagles up here, Foxes (can they catch a hare with ease?). With this lack of predation will the Hare in time evolve into something that is non regonisable to what we know now. Suppose what i am getting at is if they are not hunted/cours
  15. Bleedin hell Teckel you two buy a mincer and everything with legs or wingsis fair game No she aint ready yet you cant mince her till Xmas at least. And fear not if Gunner aint gone by start of the season i will bring him Beating instaed of Jake (probably come back easier ) Or i could even come with a Trio Cash, Jake AND Gunner. Dont put people off The Gun now, tell evryone how handsome and friendly he is :clapping:
  16. Hi Mrs Coyote your lad is gorgeous. My god he is very like your friends boy. Thanks for your interest and help. Gunner has been tetanus vaccinated but not flu. I havent done his passport - not an valid excuse to most but have waited as that white mark on his belly is not shown on his vac cert and i wanted it to go on his passport but his winter coat didnt show it. I will get his passport done though before he goes. As for money i pm'd someone to say 700 ish but to be honest i would be open to an offer lower to the right home. And as for a permanent loan home i truly mean that it would be perma
  17. You go girl and give the twats some shit. Probably some daft kids on the make. After watching Still Game last night heres a tip (thought it was great) grab some spray paint and if a hand or face comes near window or door spray it at them. A/ it'll hopefully get em in the eyes then you can put the boot in B/ itll mark em so police can get em.
  18. Hi Fastdogz. The only real probs hes got is me! When he was born my partner wasnt working away and i had plenty of help from him. Its just a lack of schooling. I have to trim his feet as no farrier will come out to me (too remote) and he still a bit wobbly with that. Traffic? Well we are 6 miles from a real road but will greet tractors and my Disco in the field no bother. He comes to call galloping down field and will whinny in greeting always.Both my horses are immune to shotgun and rifle fire dont pay any attention as they have been ferreted around them. He leads ok but knows his strength an
  19. Thanks guys - he deserves a better home than me even tried that Horse whispering lark with him but i managed to cock that up and get a broken rib into the bargain. Whoever gets him will have a lot of hard work to do to catch him up in his education but ive no worries that he would be a star in the right hands.
  20. Sorry to put up a non hunting related item. The horsey sites are feckin snobby and i need to be honest about him - and me! 15hh to make 16hh 2 yo chestnut gelding. Very cheap to the right home or permanent loan. Due to partner working away and a broken rib (my fault not his) i have lost the nerve with my homebred younster. He is out of my welshxarab mare by a thoroubred stallion. He needs alot of work but is very friendly and quite useful - he even chases rabbits . Thought maybe as fieldsports and horses generally go together one of the lads wives or someone anyone knows might like a
  21. we just call them flat flies here not sure what the real name is but yep there are a bit creepy take it they are blood suckers. I ve seen them on Deer too.
  22. Mole trapper - have to admit i thoutht the same aye that they were alot larger Stopped because i thought it was a bat!!! After i turned it over i did think awww a baby mole! As for all these horror stories of canabilism and screaming and biting - well shocked i am and thanks for enlightening me dont think they are so bloody cute now.
  23. I take it they are following this young lad for the series. This time they he was explaining it was near release time for the poults and how important vermin control was - footage of the aftermath of a fox getting into pen even showed a fox snare and he explained how he would despatch it when caught. The lad in the scenes is called Kyle (cant remember his surname) and not sure which estate hes on, might be worth looking in next friday - usually guff on the prog now about hillwalkers rights .
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