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Gun Dealer's and Fieldsports Shop's
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Everything posted by Groverdog
I had to have a blood transfusion a few years back after a burst eptopic so a big THANKS everyone who gives blood if i didnt have it i would have died. Unfortunately it means that i cant give blood now to repay that debt. I did try but they wont accept me.
For a few years i have been making wild fruit jellies, jams and syrups (mainly rosehip). To give away to friends and for our own use. Anyway a few friends have said that i should be doing farmers markets with them as they are quite good and unusual. The estate has given me the good ahead and im currently in the middle of doing the cooksafe haccp forms so the Environmental Health can come and inspect the kitchen. The jellies i make are mainly for accomliments to game/meat ie hawthorn jelly, rowan, crab apple. But some of them are sweet enough for toast etc. And the rosehip syrup is the
It is a big worry for ordinary working folk. Last winter was bad enough trying to keep house warm with the prices of oil rising but this winter we have to replace oil boiler with old raeburn and heat house soley on solid fuel (very lucky in getting wood) as there is no way we can afford oil just now. And its a case if i use Disco i have to make sure i get everything in one trip to minimse diesel costs. Feeding the small amount of livestock we have is causing a headache with feed prices well up too. People i feel really sorry for are the elderly who already struggle on a cr*p pension.
what mackem said! And excuse the techno phobe but would you be able to get to see it online? I knmow now its not Letterewe but a more Northern estate. Should be a good watch. Pros and cons to both sides i guiess.
Is this about Letterewe estate? The Dutch laird?
Aye hes got a constant iodine stained finger - looks ominous! I find rearing orphans really rewarding especially when the ewes go on to give me lambs. And what could be better than a roast with your own home reared lamb with homemade mint jelly and homegrown veg - my kinda heaven! The cost of everything is so high that i expect to just break even this year if that if any more die but wont stop me doing it all again next year though. Lessons learened this year about stocking density in pens at creep feeders etc and sterilizing teats and wearing gloves!! Been a long back breaking/he
Well its a mix really. All the lambs are getting better and most of the lesions have dropped off and left no scarring and all bleeding from gums whilst feeding has stopped but another lamb lost two days ago. Again no ryme nor reason just dead! Id given them there 2nd heptavac jag the day before so not sure if that did something or not. Apart from the distress to the lambs this is eating into any (if there is any!) profit i might make so i really hope there is further reasearch into this disease and how it gets into the lambs in the first place - again no answers from college. And i hav
Choked. What a letter and we owe so much to that generation. Both my grandfathers and there brothers fought in the war. One grandad was happy to talk about it but the other would never talk about it. Always in there debt.
The packeging of rice and pasta and tin openers. Im ashamed to say i have never been able to wield a tin opener with ease. People who turn there noses up at our little dingle family type place. And hairdressers who think you cant see there faces in the mirror ' have you cut your own hair recently'
The farmhouse i live in definately has a 'spirit' or feeling about it that is very comforting. I always feel watched over and safe when my partner is away.But a pal of mine was uneasy about the feeling she got. (And i hadnt told her i thought there was a spirit about) I did a bit of reasearch and i am the 3rd Charlotte that has lived here (fisrt ones were in the 1800's) charlotte is not a common name up here so i would like to think its the original charlotte looking after me. And i always celebrate Samhain. Mackem thats a great thing your in laws do. Honouring the dead and not being scare
IMHO its def the owners not the dogs. Everyone who takes on a dog should research the type or breed first. Weve had two GSD's. The first was a very calm male who was a little distant and watchful of strangers and the bitch we have now is quite a nervy character. Both had to have totally different ways of handling and understanding. Every Staffy or Bull bloodied dog ive met has been a real character and not at all aggressive. Guarding and them there 'fighting' dogs get a bad press when the numptys get to own them and channel there natural insticts overboard. True story: (apologie
Apparentley used to be where all the criminals fled to back in the 1500's - 1600's. Used to be about 200 residents here theres loads of old ruins, a school, cobblers and it was on a droving route. Apparently theres an old still up the hill but never found it yet. Theres a vulcan wreck on the hill behind house which crashed - 4 lives lost think it was in the seventies. An the farmhouse once had a TB Pavillion next to it before the war - wondered why thye chooks kept digging up old medicine bottles.
Now now Bryan lol. And according to soursces there are those who have contracted orf on there tadgers???? - from not washing there hands then going for a pee! John - ive chucked allsorts at them. Got a Tubby down (which the buggers wont use). Ive ordered that Orf - M and im still using the teramycine and iodine. Also been told about stockholm tar so off to get some of that too. Weird disease this orf. I lost that small lamb yesterday just found him dead, not bloated or anything so i guess the orf had killed him cos he was a runty thing anything. And now ive another coughing after a b
Same for me as Midnight walker just hope its at the time of the rut so i can hear the stags roar as i go. then cremated and chucked back on the hill. Dont think your miserable at all Scar better to have loved ones know what you want aint it. And as for the wake well i dont want noone either mourning or celebrating that ive gone (more like celebrating me thinks! lol) Loads think i am either an eccentric or foul mouthed gobby cow whilst im still on this mortal coil feck knows what theyd say when i slip off it! And if i had a gravestone which i wouldnt cos id been burned it would re
Finally had a chance this afternoon to pick up an old book i bought called 'Poison - history,constitutions uses and abuses' (old book from the 30's) Went straight to the alchol section and thought id share this gem with you all "A horse which had been introduced to the pleasures of wine, once broke into a cellar and drank as much as it was able to swallow: It was found in a drunken condition lying admist broken bottles. The cow is also very easily affected, whereas the Hedgehog seems to hold its liquor well" Nearly spat me coffee over the page laughing. (yeah i know easily amused!)
Thanks big time for all the advice. Ive a good long shopping list to go to agri merchants and vets with. Didnt want to nuke them again but equally have to get rid of this for the dogs sake. Was hoping it was just conincedence with the GSD and it would be just a heat thing or something. Brought each dog in earlier to go over with a fine tooth comb and low and behold one of the terriers has another bald pot on rump again. Bloody hell thiese mites are a tough lot eh. Never seen fleas on the dogs and ticks have fairly been repelled with that spot on (we do live in a heavily infested t
Thanks all. Will give the vet a ring and ask for that Aludex stuff. ConeyCatcher - that Duramitex is that the stuff thats used for pigeon lofts? Think ive heard of that. And ive Hibiscrub in the veterinary kit so ill give that a go to. Cant for the life of me think where they have all picked the mites up from as all the animals are regularly Spot on'd and kennells and sheds are regualrly treated too. Not impressed with that Frontline at all. £38 for a bottle and after i sprayed them and it didnt work i read the label properly and it just said "may aid in the control of che
sorry we arte still on dial up here so its taken ages to upload. Also forgot to say we use Virkon S in the kennels and sheds and have done for years. Nothing new being used around house or outside that we know of.
Ooooh chance to let off steam before heading off to beddy byes. Hate being made to feel like a leper for being a smoker and 4 x 4 driver. Yeah yeh i know all the risks and the climte damage but needs must and i enjoy smoking. Hate the fact i cant afford to order heating oil and fill up the motor especially after seeing the program on last week about North sea oils got at least another 30years production. Hate seeing pensioners have to choose between eating or keeping warm then hearing young lassies bragging that they have had a baby so they can get a flat/house with heaps of benef
Started about two months one of the terriers started to itch and bite at her front legs causing a bad sore. Within a few days all the kennelled dogs were doing the same. Took the First terrier to the vet who dianosed a chorioptic mange (just by looking at the dog - no skin scraping) and sent me away with Frontline and steriods for all seven dogs for a week. We normally use Coopers Spot on for cattle on the dogs and it fairly does the trick for beastie control but i thought that maybe it wouldnt work for that kind of mite. Anyway it didnt work and all the dogs were still itching after two w
Just wondering that if in this day and age of 'the bleedin right to roam' wether it would be worth carrying a copy of the Pest Act with you and waving it under moaners noses and boring them away with a rendition of it! LOL. Anal i know but i guess then at least you would have the Act to back you up. Naive question - do Specials have the same powers that the regulars do then? Didnt know that. Hope future trips are more peaceful!
Hiya Im def no expert but this what my Dad used to do: If enough room then allow them to free range until 3 weeks apx before slaughter. He then used to pen them and just give them normal rations. He never witheld water before slaughter but didnt feed them the night before. We culled our young cockeral recently for the table and hed free ranged right up to day of cull and although he was very tasty (he was about 20weeks old) he was all leg and not much meat anywhere else. Not sure if that was because hed free ranged all that time or if it was the breed (wellsummer) but Dad reckon
Thanks everyone youve been very helpful, and i certainly be trying the suggestions. Laughed at the other half getting it - bloody shouldnt have cos guess what!!!! I use the buckets 'tubbys' if thats what you mean Hiho but im having trouble getting the lambs to take to it. Ive one lamb who is very very small and i think hes got it in his throat (can that happen?) as he coughs after each bottle. Jagged him over three days but to no avail. Dont want to destroy him as he a likeable sort of chap and (now dont hammer me for being soft lol) he will be kept as a pet if he survives as hed loa
All very true. Sitting in the car while we do the food shop reading the Sport then comeing out of motor to lift bags from trolley cos cant have a wee wifey lifting heavy bags. Also if we go anywhere god forbid i try to pack the motor cos only men can do that properly to get even weight distribution blah blah blah! And if i dare do some fencing then its a " for fecks sake give it here" Wouldnt be without you blokes though. Keep opening those doors, winking (well i turn to putty) and opening jars long live chauvanism cos its a damn sight sexier than new man!
Seeing as the oh has left for Caithness for work my fantasing can start! Guys i wouldnt kick out of bed for farting are James Hetfield - jez that man could do things to me just with his voice Vinnie Jones Bodie out of the proffessionals. Ah hell and most blokes with skinheads and tattoos! What about the rest of you lassies???