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Everything posted by Banter

  1. just back from a 10 mile run myself lol
  2. good run LT i think the saluki would killed that on its own
  3. em the bstard eat 3 gates an about 200 feet fencing rail he hi maintenance when there a fox about at night lol
  4. why im better than gumtree or the irish new,s for advertising MAX as a stud dog on .if you go through my old post,s you,ll find I said he,ll be a GOOD adition for the coursing dog,s in ire. I think I,ll be proved right in the next few year,s but you wont wont find it in my present user name. :laugh: i do recall that prediction
  5. I didn't say he kilt it but he was in at the end of it daren't fall out till u get fed up with his sister.lol lol
  6. Thanks banter throw to the next round draw is Friday nice dog is vinni hope youv plenty more days like that
  7. ive a 5er one on my dog these past 3 years.yer mans right collars a collar. iv one an it lasted longer that the dogs
  8. greyhound supplies place i use a good leather collar £5
  9. thought that was sister ace there, good day yous had mucky
  10. most the english ones are irish
  11. good run for the pup. the camera man should moved unless they were going out onto a road
  12. Right hand corner...... on the ipad lol
  13. whats that in the top right hand corner a bit road kill
  14. What a stupid reply.......... ok einstein what your thoughts on it It might seem obvious to you, but it wasn't to the bloke who asked, why not just give him n answer or ignore him rather than calling him stupid ? I,be noticed since I came on here that some people would rather mock than help. obvious just about covers it ffs
  15. What a stupid reply.......... ok einstein what your thoughts on it
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