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Everything posted by Banter

  1. just 22 cap what she bred out of LT breed of 78 jimmy swe got of pk to irish lady line bitch to dog of casper Jimmy 10 breeds some good dogs of a variety of stock fair play he good dog man.How philip get that bitch into that condition for her first day out banter you need to get down and meet him he,ll not bite you and will give you a bit of advice on how to get your dog,s ready for a tough season.he,s a life time full of knowleadge on the working lurcher and willing to share it with any man but be carefull he dosent take to well to no it all,s as he,ll tell you never to ol
  2. jimmy what bitch did you put mike the saluki over, hav you still got any of them
  3. Does that include having to stick one in Camilla he deserves a medal for that lol
  4. any details you could share
  5. thought thats when yous strung up poor Saddam to get your hands on his oil
  6. will dont be going on the drink over it remember charty
  7. just 22 cap what she bred out of LT breed of 78 jimmy swe got of pk to irish lady line bitch to dog of casper Jimmy 10 breeds some good dogs of a variety of stock fair play he good dog man.How philip get that bitch into that condition for her first day out
  8. just 22 cap what she bred out of LT
  9. yeah cap most people his age are back on the farleys rusks fair play to him
  10. good bitch that, he prob have somebody in trying buy her this week
  11. yeah we dont want lord louth getting jealous lol
  12. springer x cocker pups on gumtree belfast if thats any help
  13. lucky it is, didnt think he lasted the night but he a tough wee pup
  14. didnt have much luck with this litter, pup born over a week early in my garden in the pissing rain an had to have a large dead pup removed from the bitch. but here he is lucky tail done an eating like a champion,,
  15. thought he was hitman for the mafia
  16. any mention of a bad one an its cleaned up right an sharp. but then thats crabbing
  17. anybody over here wants one im doing good copies
  18. good day then lads that smooth red bitch looks well
  19. LT is there papers with the saluki bitch
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