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Everything posted by Banter

  1. how that bitch going this year fens not heard anything no probs just interested iv a pup coming of fella breeding, anyone on here have pup of tramp x sweep (fella x hucks sister) how they doing
  2. only one iv heard of breeding pures is cali of here an i dont know if there working dogs or show dogs, that looks a good fast bitch LT has that bitch maybe go to mike some time
  3. if your hinting at mine he only covered 2 lurchers first pups are killing hares steady an 2nd litter only 8 months old an im well pleased with the one i have
  4. how that bitch going this year fens
  5. max hasnt been to a pure yet there nothing about as far as pures go
  6. Nice looking dog there banter ,and appreciate the honesty shame there's not more of it about to many excuses spoil the pot. Atb basil cheers basil
  7. that all the threats there piling up on me
  8. it the same here if you phoned up an said theirs a man running about the street with a gun they call 2 day later, and if you said a kid broke a window they empty the station dog units taser guns an suited an booted for a riot
  9. clowns like that has the game ruined, didnt only piss the farmer off but cleaned the place of future breeding stock, sounds like the handywork of the city boys
  10. i never called the man a coward an i dont for a min believe he cracked under pressure, he prob been bumping them off on a regular basis, his mistake was getting caught on camera pictures get can you into trouble lol belter
  11. i never called the man a coward an i dont for a min believe he cracked under pressure, he prob been bumping them off on a regular basis, his mistake was getting caught on camera
  12. Banter

    Mandela Dies

    just as well there already a saint nelson THERE IS ONLY ONE. NELSON HE looks out over Trafalgar SQ . lol
  13. who looking after the lurchers gerry when your on your christmas holidays
  14. the soldier deserves a medal its people with attitudes like yours that explains why the system is so fcuked up. you the sort to judas people, point a gun from a distance then when caught by the balls cry victim? now lets get this right, this is a group of soldiers around a disarmed wounded man chatting for five minutes then execute him,plot a cover up before he stops shaking an you think they need medals
  15. on theyre way to hit the british barracks in gibralter. helped by the Spanish e,t,a no doubt. an this from a man thats no interest some you people need grow a set an say what you think
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