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Everything posted by Grizzly

  1. I've never used them myself but have a couple of friends that use them and they seem to love them. One of my mates used 2p pieces as triggers as he'd lost the original ones, reckons they work just as well and always finds them wedged between the side of the trap and the mole...
  2. Getting permission is always a difficult thing when starting out on your own but keep knocking and keep asking. Take contact details with you (a business card is idea), dress smart, speak clearly and get straight to the point. If they say no don't hassle them but ask if you can leave a card with them with your contact details on. Farmers don't throw stuff like that away and even a matter of some months down the line you might get a call from the farmer asking you to come on. It does happen, trust me. When it comes to insurance, don't think of it as just covering your arse, think of i
  3. Oh dear... Well where does one begin when talking about this bunch of clowns? Their founder is nothing more than a narcissistic, egotistical cretin who is in bed with the Arse SPCA. He slates pest controllers and talks about them as if they're the shit on his shoes. However, what he doesn't tell you is that he, himself runs a general pest control business... He reckons to speak for, and on behalf of 'all' mole catchers, not that you'll ever be asked your opinion regards anything. The 'president' states that he's only president in name and has nothing to do with the running of the guild,
  4. Grizzly


    I hope you don't mind but I've changed the flyer slightly and posted it to my Twitter feed.
  5. John at Fourteen Acre sells Larsen trap springs, £3 a pair www.fourteenacre.co.uk/shop/larsen-trap-springs-pairs
  6. Cheers for the reply mate, I've actually managed to get a copy now.
  7. This is really good advice and it actually works! I did the very same a few weeks ago and visited a few local shoots/estates. One of the shoot owners/keepers passed my details on to another local syndicate who were actually looking for a keeper. I've had an interview and the syndicate chairman wants to meet me early next week to show me round the 6000 acre estate, so it's looking promising...
  8. Can you not just set a couple of cage traps in some cover and bait them?
  9. I would try arrange a meeting with all the concerned parties to see if an agreement can be reached whereby all parties are satisfied with the outcome. It might not be easy, especially if there's bad blood between the brothers and sisters but that's their problem, not yours or the syndicates and an amicable solution may well be reached. I would hold off on removing your stuff from the farm until such a meeting has taken place.
  10. Looking for a copy of the Keeper's Diary, Part Time Shoot DVD. Would be grateful if anyone has a copy of one I could buy or borrow to watch. I called my local gun shop but they're charging almost twice what it cost to buy from the NGO!..
  11. It was always a good show, not that I've been for over a decade now. I've known Pam and Willie a lot of years and used to do a bit of foxing with him back in the day. I think there was a plate sponsored by me at the show one year and I was even talked into entering my terrier and lurcher in a couple of classes and even managed to win a second and third with each of them
  12. I have no doubt that you are better at Maths than me ! But that calculation is true providing the rat ONLY EATS ENOUGH to die. Rats need to consume (on average) around 10% of their body weight per day to survive. So a rat weighing in at 1 kilo (just an example to make the maths easy for me) can eat 100g of food, and potentially 100g of rodenticide in a single day. Most SGARs take (on average) 3 days to kill a rat. So rat comes to a bait box with 100g of rodenticide in, and can and will eat the lot. He then moves on to next bait box... I highly doubt I'm better than anyone at maths, my
  13. You are correct Matt, the LD50 for a dog eating Difenacoum is 1000g of poison per kg of dog. An average lab (weighing around 35kg) would need to consume its own body weight in poison to be killed outright, although I suppose it's organs may give up before hand. A rat only needs to consume 9g of Difenacoum in order to succumb to the poison therefore, in order for a 35kg lab to die of secondary poisoning through eating rats alone, it would need to consume almost 4000 rats in a short space of time.
  14. John Underwoods in Stratford do them. A friend has some from them and reckons they're really good. I (being an avid user of tunnel traps) can't vouch for them as I myself don't use Talpex (type) traps a lot. I have 1 genuine Talpex but the scissor traps I favour are the Fenn Scissor Traps, available direct from DB Springs. My mate reckons these traps from John Underwoods are better quality than they used to be and better than some others you can find. He said he paid £2 each for them with free postage (as he bought a few) but I've seen them on Ebay for £9.99 for 4 + £4.99 postage. Cal
  15. I generally charge per hour for farm work and any domestic work is charged per mole.
  16. Indeed it can be good advertising. One of the best forms of advertising (apart from word of mouth) is having a sign written vehicle. I must have picked up around 2000 acres just through farmers seeing my vehicle on the field and them pulling into the gateways to get a card.
  17. I trap full time from September to May, in fact I've no time to do anything else this time of year
  18. The problem's not necessarily the molehills you can see but the runs you can't... If someone was running about on t'land and a run gave way causing a kid or anyone to break an ankle, the parish council can be sued as moles are a hazard that can be controlled.
  19. Once someone calls the police to report something they have a legal responsibility to come check it out, whether you've already informed them or not. I never used to mind calling the police to let them know where I was going, it also never stopped them coming out to check what I was up to if someone reported seeing me lamping. It's not really that much hassle at the end of the day and I'd rather them come out to see who's around on my permission, especially as I'm the only one supposed to be on there. If poachers know that the police might be around then they'll sharpish go off and find
  20. With the correct tyres and a knowledge of how to drive off road you shouldn't ever get stuck. Getting stuck is what those who don't know their vehicles capabilities and don't have the correct tyres on do
  21. I agree! Since buying my Jimny the beginning of the year I've never looked back. I do loads of mole control on varying terrain from grass fields to grouse moors and the 'Green Machine' ain't ever let me down Mine ain't modded (yet), although I do have A/T's on it and it's surprising just where it can go as it is.
  22. I caught a mole the other week with 48 traplines in his pocket
  23. He'll get another when he gets the taxidermists bill, haha!!
  24. I had a couple of a/t's put on the front as the previous owner had road tyres on and the guy at the tyre place reckoned the tyres should be 35psi. He couldn't believe that I wanted 23psi in them but I showed him the plate giving the tyre info. Think I might have to put the rear to 26psi as the back of the truck is full of mole traps now ;-)
  25. You should be able to find the tyre pressure info on the truck somewhere. I have a plate on the drivers door of my Jimny that tells me the pressure the tyres should be.
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