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killer catch

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Everything posted by killer catch

  1. What's in her mate. She looks the spit of my bitch
  2. type in harris hawk hunting and its and 12 down. might be the one
  3. iv got 3 of this years jill that iv had for a month now and iv just got an adult hob. im fairly new to keeping ferrets and i just tried putting the new hob with them. i tried them in the house together to see how they get along and all seemed fine, but when i put him in there hutch he had latched on to one of the jills face, so now there separated. what is it to do with the size of his nuts? will i be able to keep them together at some point or will he continuously attack them.
  4. i read something saying its still ok to feed on mixi rabbits but it doesnt seem right feeding your animals with deceased meat. what do you do with the rabbits with mixi
  5. I had taken the dogs out over my usual walk today. The spaniel. Bolted a few rabits giving the lurchers a few runs, unfortunately the one she got had mixi. Not promising for the season ahead.
  6. That could be a peperami. There a bit of an animal
  7. Cheers, only got a small garden so i didnt want it to be to much of an eye sore. Got a Harris hawk in there and two lurches and a spaniel. Out of curiosity what do you think something like this is worth. I mainly built it out off materials I already had
  8. cheers.at the back there is a bit sectioned off kinda like a shed were i have the frezzer mincer ect. a couple of perches for the bird ,and on the side i were the dogs now live just has a bit for them to sleep in. originaly the dog was in the big section so when i got the bird i had to extend it on the side
  9. i recently buit this to house the clan
  10. [attachment=221734:bird.jpg i originaly built this as a kennel for my dogs but once i got my fhh she soon moved in, i then extended it to the side for the dogs to live in.
  11. last season i just had the one ferret ad this year i have 3. seeing how social they are i would never have just 1 again. good luck
  12. yea i wasnt planning to got out till end of september,or so, just wasnt sure how long it take to get her back to her old self
  13. shes a harris hawk, she was already working when i got her so iv never had to train one up before. shes free lofting at the moment, would i be best of to tether her up so its easier to handle her on a daily basis again. thanks for the reply
  14. this is the 1st moult iv gone through but shes just got the one left to grow down now. wouldnt mined a bit of advise on the next stages, ie re mannig ect. thanks
  15. i fort about putting it up but i remember reading something about if you handle wild young that there mother then eglects them, i dont know if this is the case. like you say its a difficult one
  16. i was out with the dog last on the lamp and came across a barn owl near the hedge line. as i aproached it i realised it was a baby and had fallen out the nest, it couldnt fly and i was in two minds what to do with it as there are always foxes about. i could of easily picked it up and put it in my spare aviary but i could hear its mother calling and the other person i was with persuided me to leave it to nature.(this didnt fill right to me and botherd me the whole night and all of today). once i had finnished work i went back over there and sure ennough it was a few yards from where i saw it bu
  17. Hey also dropped 14 moults going ok I think
  18. Thanks for the replys, I think I'll try the shoot method. She has always seen me feed her but it's only since moult she has started to squak. Hopefully I can get her out of this bad habbit.
  19. If just had my 1st season with my fmh, I've had a few bunnies with her and it's been going realy well. Up to this point the bird has been 100% silent but since I've put her up for moult she squarks fairly regular. Why would this be and is there anything I can do to prevent it. Thanks
  20. Hi was wonder if anyone can advise me, I have a lurcher and a spaniel and are both britches. They get along most of the time but every now and then they have a scrap, which can get prity vIolent. I'm looking for a secound lurcher now and not sure to get a dog or a bitch, I would prefer to just keep bitches as when the come into season there's no worry of them getting in pup, I had spaniel lurcher pups last year not the mix I'm after. Would getting a dog sort out there territory problems and stop them fighting, or would getting another pitch just add to my problems. Thanks
  21. Hi this is my first season in falcon, I'm thinking of putting my fmh up for moult after the weekend and was curious if I'm to take of all her equipment I.e bells ancklets etc. also how long does it take to moult,Thanks.
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