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About jlove12

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  1. Haha I know that used to have fox hounds years ago but didn't have the same problem. Beagles are awesome dogs but its every time we go out now thanks for the reply but my question was about people's thoughts on terrier/beagles and spaniel/beagles and weather or not they'll go the long distances or not run as far? Personally I think they'll run just as far......?
  2. Hi, iv got a small pack of beagles and I thinking of selling due to no fault of there own there amazing hunters they'll go through the tightest cover but my only problem is that if they hit a fresh sent of something there gone for hours!! I'm thinking of putting a terrier or spaniel to one of the bitches to get teagles or speagles. Does anyone on here work teagles or speagles and have the same problem I have with the dogs hitting a line and disappearing for hours or do they not go as far? Your thought would be greatly appreciated. Thanks John
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