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About Meggy

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  1. Hello, Im a third year student of BSc Animal Behaviour and a dog trainer. I am doing my dissertation of which the title of the study is ‘The Publics Understanding of Canine Behaviour’. The aim is to determine if there is an association between the understanding of canine behaviour and behavioural issues. This would help us know if a better education could improve welfare and reduce the number of dogs rehomed or destroyed and also help reduce the number of people bitten. If you are a British dog owner, over 18 I’d be extremely grateful if you could take a few minutes to complete a
  2. Cheers Yer I think thats the plan. We do some pest control in the area in which case we do dispatch the bunnies, but we usually ferret them. I dont think little Meg will distinguish between ferrets and rabbits in the heat of the moment! sayin that she is ok with my guinea pigs .
  3. Its caused by enzymes being prematurely secreted and so they attack the pancreas causeing cysts. There is a genetic element to it and fatty foods can trigger it. But i dont think its something to be worried about.
  4. Should heal on its own. Jus keep an eye on it and clean it with saline solution everynight, jus to make sure it doesnt get infected. Also as its on the pad make sure nothing gets inside that could stop it healing and o septic
  5. I'd say definately saluki, maybe whippet in there too. Beautiful dogs! I don't actually have a dog, but I look after my housemates greyhound (billy) and whippet (meg). Billy is 8 yrs old now, hes an X racer so hes not much use, he just lies in his bed. Meg is the total opposite, shes 4 now and has so much energy, she was in fact a show dog but couldnt have puppies and so they gave her to us. Shes got an excellent retrieve, she even caught a pheasent once and brought straight back to hand. Me and my bloke are planning on taking her rabbiting in Summer. I love my Meggy moo
  6. Hes a monorchid as only one testes has descended. I think it increases the chance of testicular cancer. I think its fair to take him back and give a refund. However he will not be able to breed and will probably be best to castrate him. I'm sure someone will want a castrate
  7. All dogs are fear based especially terriers and I think being a lap dog is the main reason for his behaviour. It could also be down to how well it was socialised as a puppy, if it was a lap dog from the start then it may not have encountered other things and situations. Therefore he is terrified of everything including you. The best way to earn a dogs trust is through food. Treats, even if you have to use cat buiscuts For example take him on lead to a parked car, and before he gets syked up give him treats, praise him in a calm voice so that he feels comfortable. If he is not food moti
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