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Posts posted by kenj

  1. I made three gallons this year, then put it into in demijohns with an air trap. Syphoned it off into 1 litre olive oil bottles with flip tops. It was quite flat, so added a spoonful of sugar to each. Now they really pop. Was Ideal for those hot evenings, cold from the fridge. Wife and I were drinking a bottle between us. It was very heady. Definitely alcoholic. Got a BBQ this weekend. Bunny burgers and elderflower champers. The good life indeed!

  2. Having had two HMR bullets stuck in the bore, which also meant two wasted rabbit shooting sessions, fuel, time, etc, I have switched back to almost exclusive use of my Magtech .22 lr semi auto, only taking the HMR to the big open field permissions. After every slow fire of the HMR, if I don't see a hit, I take out the bolt and check the bore. With plenty of rabbits about this year for the .22 lr, the other sites are being neglected.


    The HMR is a great tool for those long range rabbits, but the ammo is unreliable, even when checked by eye.


    I found this blog on the subject. http://www.urbanfieldsportsman.com/index.php/cz452-hmr-festive-rabbit-hunt-ends-with-a-damp-squib/

  3. The manufacturers have obviously given up, leaving quality control to the shooter. While zeroing my CZ452 on a paper target recently, I had a slow fire, the bullet hitting 2 inches below the bull at 100 yards. That's the difference between a dead rabbit, or a wounded one. There was a fine crack that ran back to the neck of the case. This hadn't shown up on my earlier inspection. These were Hornady red tips.

  4. You've just given me an idea jok. We get thousands of crayfish from my local trout stream, I wonder if crayfish and rabbit with bacon would work in the sauce. Anyone tried the combination? We tread on most of the crayfish, as we are fed up with figuring out new ways to cook them.

  5. Went out and got another five big rabbits this afternoon with my Magtech .22. The loins are in salt water ready for another cooking session tomorrow. A two day cottage pie and another couple of pastry pies for the freezer. Glad you guys liked them. That creamy sauce and the tender loins work well together.

  6. I've been cooking this one for quite a while now, which has become a family favourite, that will have even the most anti hunting guests scraping the bowl.



    I have always considered rabbit loins too good to use in my bunny burgers and pasties, so remove them to use elsewhere. Seeing some smoked bacon loins in Sainsburys, I thought that they would make the perfect combination for a cottage pie with a cheesy mashed potato on top. Cooked in a creamy sauce, the whole dish takes about 30 mins.


    The recipe is here http://www.urbanfieldsportsman.com/index.php/rabbit-loin-bacon-and-asparagus-cottage-pie/

    • Like 9
  7. Hi Dodger, A Magtech 7022, or Mossberg 702 (same rifle) will fit the bill for short range targets and pest control. I have had mine for several years. It has ten shot mags, recycles Eley and RWS subs all day, is lightweight, about 5 lbs with a scope and accurate to 60 yards. I clean mine out every 200 rounds. It takes minutes to strip for cleaning, a couple of screws and pins removes the action. This was one of my outings this autumn shooting rabbits. http://www.urbanfieldsportsman.com/index.php/pest-control-magtech-22-semi-auto-makes-up-for-lost-time/

    • Like 1
  8. The trigger on the Magtech is easy to sort Wasted. Remove the two pins that hold the complete trigger mechanism and pull it free. This exposes the hammer and trigger sliding surfaces. With a small screwdriver, I applied fine valve grinding compound to the surfaces and cocking the hammer each time with my thumb, just kept working the trigger. An evening in front of the TV doing this, smoothed out the trigger. Since then the trigger has got better with use.

  9. When on holiday in Bulgaria some years before they joined the EU, I went into a store selling AK47s and other deadly looking AR rifles, plus pistols, etc. I asked if the guns were replicas, the owner assured me they were the real deal, showing me boxes of ammo. They were cheap too. Europe must be awash with them.

  10. What a difference a year makes. So many free apples about this year. I shoot rabbits in a lady's garden and she lets me have as many apples, as I can carry. Mostly Bramleys and Cox. Last year there were hardly any and had to search the hedge rows for my supply. I've just made 6 gallons of cider and will be back next week for more. She also lets me raid her green house for grapes. Ever tried grape jam? Delicious.

  11. Looks like you have been busy making jam too. I shot a rabbit under a bramble, went over to pick it up, to see massive black berries. Picked about 4 lb of them, then went round to the next farm, where she had trees full of bramley apples. My wife was a bit cheesed off. More work, so I made 13 lb of

    blackberry and apple. My job in future apparently. http://www.urbanfieldsportsman.com/index.php/blackberry-and-apple-jam/ Time to make more cider too, then sloe gin. It never stops! What were the jams, I can make out apple and something?

  12. I'm with Deker on the 7022. I was the "other shooter" having trouble with Winchester ammo. Deker gave me some RWS to try and I never looked back ammo wise. This was my first rimfire and still use it to good effect, not wishing to "upgrade". The trigger was gritty, but I sorted this with grinding paste. I think there is a lot of snobbery regarding rifles, as there is in fly fishing rods. My £20, 7 ft Shakespeare Oddyssey seems to catch more trout than my mate's £500 Orvis.


    My Review http://www.urbanfieldsportsman.com/index.php/magtech-7022-mossberg-7022-22-semi-automatic-rimfire/

  13. I have owned a CZ452 HMR with a heavy 16 inch Varmint barrel for about 10 years. I did the mods, trigger and relieving the woodwork round the barrel, when I first bought it new. It remains as accurate as those early days, if rested on the bi-pod with the butt supported and have had many rabbit kills, well beyond 150 yards on a still day. I have only cleaned it with a bore snake and Bisley gun oil. The first shots may be off by an inch at 100 yards after cleaning, but chest shots will do the job well enough, then it's back to 12 mm groups at that range.

    My latest blog http://www.urbanfieldsportsman.com/index.php/cz-452-hmr-varmint-is-a-verminator-at-long-range/

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