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Everything posted by badger1983

  1. Hi it's going to sound dum but hope someone can help I've never had a lurcher pup before I've always had ready workin dog and recently I have purchased a bull x pup and I noticed that here front feet from the joint down are flat to the floor is this normal and will it change or is it some kind of birth defect all advice welcome cheers
  2. yea fair comment but dont look good [BANNED TEXT] dog been sold twice in short space of time excuses aside
  3. just because the dogs out of two good dogs dont mean that this one will and cant be that good if you sold her mate says it all
  4. have u got any pics of the dog would help with the sale
  5. thats the problem to many people on here with nothing else to do other than sit watching the forums every min of every day and slagging people of obviuosly they aint got nething better to do and the then have the cheek to call themselves dogmen the phrase glasshouses comes to mind if u not interested in dog then shut up and go pester someone else sorry bout the rant just does my head in
  6. yea rabbit and fox as i have a beagle dog who does both but need another one two go with him as he s been done so cant breed from him and or i would have done and had a pup back cant seem to get one to do either tho but would prefer rabbiting dog as i cud bring her on with my dog
  7. working beagle bitch wanted must be 100% on rabbit and fox willing to travel money waiting for the right dog must come with a trail
  8. how wud i go about arranging a pick up of two dogs from tipperary to south wales mate cause dont want to waste your time or blokes time in tipp never done it before so wud like sum info please cheers
  9. well all i can tell you mate is to feed her on the barf diet bones and raw food cause thats all my dogs used to have as im a butcher by trade just make sure you keep up with a regular worminig plan tho as they say fit as a butchers dog but i expect there are other ways just found that no dry food could keep them in as near conditon as the barf but thats my opinon hope this might help all the best
  10. well i put my topic on yesterday and it went on the next day so dont know what to tell you mate sorry try and do it again mate all i can say maybe there might be something in it what was it about
  11. cheers guys thanks for replying dont know what to expect on here sumtimes us hunting folk are a problem to ourselves instead of helping out one another we keep ourselves to ourselves and only alow a few select people into our world sad really as when i was younger if anybody wanted a hand they didnt need to ask i would help but know iam a bit more wary of people sad to say glad to see aswell that there is no rubbish like show dogs on here had a look at the ads and nice to see only working dogs great to see that we at least have one safe haven from the puppy peddlers and money spinners who are
  12. been out of the hunting game for a while too want to get back into it now though so if anybody got any tips on gaining permission please be free with your advice and knowledge as one of the reasons i gave up was cause I lost a lot of my permission to to many people poaching on the farms and spoiling it for everyone sad to think that the minority always spoil it for the majority
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